Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wednesday Coffee: This One Is For You Guys

            As for updates I wasn’t able to get any phone calls done today, so I have to rush around tomorrow like a chicken with my head cut off before counseling. I had a case of insomnia last night. It was so bad I almost made through an audio book on Hinduism. Research for a paper for school. But still I normally only make it through a few chapters of an audio book before falling asleep, and I made it through 8 out of 13 chapters. It blew me away. And then after that I ended up sleeping all day, which did not make me a happy camper.  But as I was starting out writing this I did get the chance to make a phone call and get some help with my cleaning issues. So my friend Morgana will be coming in a couple times a week and helping me get better at cleaning.
            But that is not why we are here today guys. We are here because I keep hearing from ladies who say their guys are closed off from them or things like they are too reserved. And I know from growing up in the 80s that us guys were conditioned to internalize our emotions. To just deal with them and not share or open up to anyone. Because it shows weakness we were taught. But they were wrong about it being wrong to open up. Yes, it makes us vulnerable, but we have to be willing to open up to people and be willing to be genuine to them about who we are. As well as what we have been through.          
            And yes some of us will even need to sit down with counselors to deal with the chaos that has come surround us from what we have been through. But we have to be willing to sit down and open that door and deal with it head on. I’m not saying it will be easy. I know from personal experience that it won’t be easy. But it is worth it and it takes a huge weight off your shoulders. And it allows you to find yourself and be you instead of just what you were taught to be. It is such a freeing experience in the end.
            I know you are going through that fear of what if she leaves me guys. But if you don’t open up and show everything she will leave anyways. Women like their guy to be open with them. Hiding in a closet internally isn’t good for a relationship and it isn’t good for you either guys. I know it is scary but I’ve been there and it is worth it. I’m not saying there isn’t a chance you’ll get hurt. But there is also a chance you will find a great woman and be in a great loving relationship as well.
            When I first started counseling I was a bit scared myself. But it turned out to be what I needed. Granted I also needed medication as well, but it wasn’t forced on me either. But the first step to figuring out if you even need counseling is opening up to someone. And I know that isn’t easy. But it is worth taking that step.  It leads to freedom and feeling truly like yourself as well as connecting to someone on another level. And that is a feeling that words cannot truly do justice to. But it is oh so glorious is about the best I can do. To me it is like intertwining two souls into one when it happens on the most intimate levels.
            Well there you have it guys that is what I have for advice for you. You can take it and be happier or keep going down the path you are going. And ladies you are not out of the woods yet. Friday I will be giving you my advice for you. It’s only fair after all. But for now feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am turning in early tonight to get an early start to the day tomorrow. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the bedroom. *

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