know I was gone yesterday but I was just too tired to write an entry. Between
cleaning and counseling it wore me out. I tried taking a nap and working on it,
but time got away from me badly. But today is a new day and I am feeling
refreshed today. Just finished up lunch and holding off on dessert till I get
this entry done. I’ve got a bit of a busy day ahead of myself. I’m a bit behind
in school though technically I have till tonight to have the assignment in. And
I’m going to try and jump ahead this upcoming week and have everything done for
the next two weeks. Since they have extended the week with a bit of a vacation
for the holidays.
over the break for the holidays I am going to try and get my next commissioned
story done so that maybe I can get two into the next anthology. Only time will
tell on that one. I was also planning something for tomorrow’s post but lost
the thought so trying to recover it. I hate when I lose a good thought for
something. I’ll also be working on a story for a future Story Time Friday. As you can see I don’t have a lack of work to do
coming up. But it’s not a bad thing I enjoy my craft as well as my schoolwork.
It has me constantly thinking and exploring new ideas.
new ideas are usually a good thing though sometimes what seems like a new idea
is really an old idea disguised as a new idea. As we are seeing in the current
race for the Republican Nomination with Donald Trump. If you take most of the
main ideas Trump has been preaching and go back to when Hitler was first preaching,
they match up other than the fact that Hitler was campaigning against Jewish
people and Trump is campaigning against Muslims. It is hard to believe the
Republican Party has fallen so far that their leading candidate for the
nomination is pretty much a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. And I don’t through
terms like Hitler or Nazi around lightly as you have seen in my blog. But Trump
preaches pure hate. I find it hard to believe that the Republican Party is so
power hungry that they would resort to officially becoming the party for Nazis
and White Power.
if in their bloodlust for power and war it has come to this then they must be
shut down for the good of not only the country but all of humanity. We cannot
let another Hitler like being come to power and any party that would support it
must be put to the fire. Along with anyone else who would support such
outrageous and inhumane actions to happen again. There can be no excuse for
this to be allowed to happen, nor can there be any crack left in that wall that
would allow this to happen. This crosses the line of free speech since people
are being harmed over it. And harmed brutally and even life threateningly.
know I was hoping today’s post was going to be a cheerful one with the holidays,
but I guess next week will be my cheerful posting week. Since tomorrow looks
like more ranting. I’ll try to be more positive on Sunday though. We’ll see.
But for now feel free to leave your comments and questions below. And if you
want my posts even after that rant to make it to your inbox enter your email
address below where it says follow by email. As for me I am off to get some ice
cream and cool off. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen. *
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