Saturday, December 5, 2015

Rambling Friday: More Changes Coming To My Life

            It’s been a hectic week, but for the most part things are coming out good. Even as some things are still being watched to insure that they come out good. Starting tomorrow there will be some changes in how I run my day. I’ll be out in the living room more. Since I now have a good couch and love seat. Plus, a coffee table to set my computer on. And tomorrow I get my new television, which will help as well. That doesn’t mean I won’t be working at my desk. It just means I will have a variety of places to work in the house so I am not stuck in just one place in the house.
            Plus, for the first time in years I will be watching television, which some will call a miracle. They would call it a miracle since it has been so long since I have actually watched television like a regular person. Instead I have watched on Netflix and various other platforms after the fact. So you can also expect some more tweeting about television as well. Which will probably liven up my twitter followers. I plan to use as many of its features as I can. I might even get a WII. So I can get some movement out of myself on days I don’t go out. But I still plan to go out to the movies and stuff like that.
            I even found a movie buddy for myself as well in my dad’s fiancée, Pam. Though she won’t be able to go with me every time but it is nice to know that sometimes she can come with me. I’m still working on getting out more and have to make some adjustments to certain things to get it to work right, but it will all come together in the end. Got some of it straightened out tonight and some will have to wait till tomorrow. I finally got the new Kim Harrison book, and am ashamed it took me so long. I’m normally more on top of stuff like that.
            But I’m looking forward to reading it nonetheless. And I picked up a copy of Kory Shrum’s latest book in paperback now that it is available in that format. Before I was only able to get it in Kindle format. Have to finish a few books before I can open either one though. But I am confident I can do that. I admit I got a little behind in my reading lately, but going to get caught up quickly. Just so much going on lately with the holidays and everything. But I’m not complaining because I got to spend some much needed time with my family. As well as get my confidence boosted once more.
            We all need our confidence boosted from time to time. And family and friends are a good place for that. And I got it from both sides last month, which was a big boost to my confidence. As well as meaning a lot to me. It makes me want to work harder. Because the more positive I hear the more it drives me to get better and better. And I know the best way to do that is to keep practicing. And some of that practice comes from writing this blog.  Just take a look back from here to when I started out and you will see how far I have come. As I have grown in confidence and written more I have learned how to use my words better over time.
            Ah I see I have gotten long winded as is becoming the usual lately. Well better to write too much than too little. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you want my columns appearing every day in your inbox enter your email right below where it says follow by email. As for me I’m going to get something more to drink and either do some more writing or a little bit of reading. Not sure yet. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the kitchen. *

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