Friday, September 25, 2015

Rambling Friday: Just Chilling

            Good evening, hoping everyone has had a good day. I’ve just been just relaxing and chilling all day today. And sleeping a lot. But it was one of those relaxing type of days. Checked in on the Discussion Board for class and my Professor has asked me a question to make me really think so I have that to answer tonight as well as some book work to do. I can tell my energy is starting to wane so time to start hitting the coffee again to compensate for it. Plus I just like the taste in general. Probably have a cup tomorrow when I wake up.
            Depending on when I wake up tomorrow I might try to go see Black Mass at the theater. Going to see that next in the theater. Finally got my movie app working on the new phone. Plus there are some new ones coming out this week that look good as well. Just have to get my butt in gear, and get to the theater. And I know I can watch movies at home, which is fine all in itself. But there is something about going to the theater that is an experience all in its own. Watching movies at home is for when you want to watch a movie over and over again. But when you first see a movie you should see it in the theater in my opinion. Just something magical about it.
            Just like there is something magical about reading a book for the first time even after hearing all the hype or critics about it. It is still magical because you are reading it for the first time. Though the two experiences are different in their own right they are the same in some ways. The very first time you read a book should be the best possible just like when you see a film for the first time. Because there can only be one first time for a book or movie or even a song. And the better that first time is the more you will come back for more time and time again.
            And I will still get all my schoolwork done on time this week no matter what I end up doing tomorrow. Might even do some more of it tonight beyond what my Professor asked of me. But we will have to wait and see. As always feel free to leave comments and questions below. For now I am going to just relax a bit more before getting to work and maybe watch a movie. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the theater.*

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