Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thursday Chatter: Reflecting On Yesterday

            I wore myself out yesterday is why there was no column. I started it out early but the day quickly picked up. I ended up doing what is a ton of walking for me and going out to lunch. I also finally made it out to the movies to see Straight Outta Compton. It was a blast. I also met a nice guy and freelance writer by the name of Tim after the movie while waiting for my cab. He invited me to a writers’ group and we talked for a while. It was very refreshing for me. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate all my writer friends online just that it is refreshing when you meet a writer in your own local area.
            It is just refreshing to know you are not alone in your own neck of the woods no matter how alone you might feel. And trust me in this business without friends you can get to feeling pretty lonely. Though some say it is supposed to be a solidary life. I say it is much better working with friends and having fun chuckling with them and sharing ideas freely. It is better to get ahead together than by yourself. I would rather be at the top with a bunch of friends than by myself. Writing for me is not about the money though if money comes with it that is good to. It is about the art and the passion. I enjoy nurturing along the young writers I meet and helping them along, seeing them grow and blossom. It warms my heart. Maybe that is why I am more of a teacher than a writer at heart some would say.
            If that is the case so be it. I still relish writing my own stories and diving into books with abandonment. But I also have a love for encouraging new young authors and even the older new authors to create. That is also a passion for me. It breaks my heart every time I see an aspiring writer give up. But I do not seek to shape minds only encourage and help push them forward. To pass on what knowledge I have so that others may succeed where I have not yet. That does not mean I will give up on my dreams. And I do have many of them.
            I’ll still write and be published. I may not be a Stephen King since those writers are rare and far between. But I will still leave my mark on this world in more than one way. If not in a big way with my writing. Than in little ways such as in the writers I can inspire. Maybe one of those will go on to be the next Stephen King who knows. The only thing that really matters to me going forward is making my son proud of me. That will be enough for me in this lifetime.
            That seems like little to ask for I know. But to me it is a big deal. I haven’t seen my son in 7 years since the state took him. I want him to be proud of his dad. That is worth more to me than all the money in the world. And all the fame I could ever have. It makes me tear up just thinking about. I admit I sometimes get jealous of other dads who get to see their sons and daughters every day. But I know I will get to see my son in 8 years so I just wait patiently and work hard to make him proud of me.
            I’ll close in saying that I know kids can be a pain at times after all weren’t we as kids. But be thankful for every day you get to spend with them. I would do anything for one day with my son, but I have to wait still. As always feel free to leave comments below. For now I am off to get some more coffee. *Tips his hat solemnly and walks out the door towards the brewer.*

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