Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Beginnings: The Week Is Looking Up

            Slowly getting back into the swing of things and enjoying vacation for the most part. Will be activating my movie pass account today and heading to the movies Wednesday. Tomorrow I will be going to my sister’s birthday party. Can hardly wrap my head around the fact that she is turning 20 this year. It is a bit mind blowing. I start back to school next week and as much as I am enjoying vacation I am looking forward to it a bit. I did finish Lightspeed: Women Destroy Science Fiction about an hour ago so waiting till next week to do a review of it to let it sink in a bit. Got a lot I want to get accomplished today most of it being in the morning.
            I want to do some doodling writer style to see if I can’t get a short story going, since I have been invited to submit to VimFire Magazine. And I read a tips on writing post that says the best time for writing is in the morning, which is mainly true with me. I seem to have better drive and flow with writing in the morning hours. During the afternoon I tend to be more interested in gaming reading and watching movies as well as into the night time hours. But in the morning I am excited to write, which is when I write my columns normally.
            I might do some preliminary school work this morning as well. But there is only a slim chance of that happening. Trying to hold off on doing any school work till the weekend before the term starts. Just want to enjoy the vacation as much as I can. But Political Science is right up my alley so a bit excited about it but I know my brain needs a break from deadlines and reading academically. As much of a bookworm as I am. I think I’ll peek in my class and see if anyone else has done any of the work I am thinking of doing before making my final decision on it.
            Probably this afternoon I will finish up on organizing my bookshelves and read a bit. At some point I will get a nap. Not sure when but I will find the time somewhere. But I am hopeful for the day and ambitious for it as well. Feel free to leave comments about my ambitions for the day and the week or if you think I am being too ambitious below. For now I am going to go brew some coffee since I think I am going to need it. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the kitchen.*

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