Friday, September 4, 2015

Rambling Friday: Been Having A Hell Of A Good Time

            I know I’ve been away all this week and I do apologize for that but been on the go all week. Had a housing inspection to prepare for and been out eating and shopping. As well as paying bills. It has just been a whirlwind of a week. I’m just getting a chance to relax today and I am feeling it. Sore all over but it is worth it to be getting out more. And I have been enjoying myself. Not getting a lot of work done but I have been enjoying myself. Things will settle down though a bit now. I’ll be going to the movies every day for the most part. But will have time to write my blog at the public library before the movie starts.
            But it shouldn’t be all day outings like it has been the past few days. That only happens at the beginning of the month really. Looking forward to some rest and relaxation over the next couple of days before taking my mom out to dinner. No special occasion just want to show appreciation for all she does and has done for me is all. Tonight I’m full of energy so going to try and finish off my term in college and go on vacation early. Should be no problem in my opinion. Just a discussion board to do after all.
            Sylvia Stein’s Chasing Clarity is coming out soon don’t miss out on getting a copy. Her release party will be on September 30 on Facebook join if you haven’t already. There is the link don’t be shy it will be a great party. You’ll get to talk to the author herself and there will be games and plenty of fun to be had by all. Plus you can get a copy of the book while you are there I know I will.
            That is just one of the many events going on this month that I will be involved in. Most of them local I will admit but the ones that everyone can participate in I will advertise here. So that as many people as possible can enjoy the fun as well. Most of them will probably be book ones and a few will be from my college when they have webinars I am going to I will admit. But other than the webinars all of them will be open to the general public.
            As for posts on this blog they should be back to normal after today. Well for the most part anyways. Feel free to leave your comments about what is coming up or questions about my week so far or if you have any events to advertise or questions about events advertised here below. For now I have a couple of bookshelves to reorganize after buying some more books this week. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the library.*

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