Wednesday, September 9, 2015

More Wednesday Chit Chat: Still Working On The Sleeping Issues

            Despite still having problems with sleeping all day and being up all night I am back for the second time today. The sleeping issue is slowly getting better, though frustrating for me since I want it fixed now. But going with the flow despite how frustrating it can be at times. After I get done on here I will be working on a radio station story I am working on. It’s slowly coming together bit by bit. Plus I want to have a story for Friday if possible. Have to wait and see on that. For a while I think there will be some double posting going on and hopefully you will bear with me through that.
            Not sure if I mentioned it before or not but earlier in the month I got a ton of books. I got some of George R. R. Martin’s Song Of Ice & Fire. I also got some Anne Rice novels including Prince Lestat. Plus I picked up Andy Weir’s The Martian. As well as John Greene’s The Fault In Our Stars and Paper Towns. I’ve got some I didn’t get that I am after to get signed and looking forward to reading all of these as well. Oh and I also got Veronica Roth’s novel Four. I’ve seen The Fault In Our Stars, but looking forward to seeing how the book is different from the movie. Since there are always some sort of differences even slight ones. After all it is almost impossible to translate the beauty of the words of a writer into pictures on a screen.
            I’m also going to be turning some of my attention towards Herbology and Gardening since those are a couple of things calling out for my attention. It will require a lot of reading and me finding space for plants in the future but I am confident I can do both. I’ll have to use caution along the way but I will be sure to do that. I just have a fascination with plants and what they can do. Plus I misss have a garden since I was a kid. So seems like a good time to go back to basics.
            But I have rambled on long enough for one night especially combined with my earlier ramblings. Feel free to leave comments below on any of a number of the topics I touched upon here below or even with suggestions on them. For now I am getting a bit hungry so I’m going to go see how dinner is coming along. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed towards the kitchen.*

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