Friday, September 18, 2015

Rambling Friday: Starting to Get A Plan

            Happy Friday everyone. I’m feeling full of energy once again. I’m also crafting a plan for next week a bit still have to work out some of the details. But hopefully I will be working remotely a couple of mornings out of the week to start with. I also got out of the house today and had lunch with my mom before her doctor’s appointment. Her knee is not so good hoping it isn’t too bad. But have to wait for further tests. A little sore from going out today, but still full of energy. I know I have been writing in the morning normally, but today was a bit or a whirlwind with me getting up later than normal and lunch sneaking up on me.
            I didn’t get much writing done today will try to get a little more work done on my short story before bed. Plus I plan to find some more time to write tomorrow even as I plan to go over to a friend’s house during the afternoon and evening hours. Hopefully we will get to play some Magic: The Gathering and I will get to test out a couple of new decks I just bought earlier in the month. Plus next week I am planning to start my new blog to run alongside this one. That one will be mostly focused on Magic: The Gathering. While this one will be staying as is.
            I might fall a bit behind on my blogging next week as well as I work on adapting my schedule to my new class starting up on Monday. It is on Political Science, and I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully it will give me an even better understanding of how the government works and an inside view of politics as well. Plus with me planning to go into politics eventually it will be good for me to get some of this information under my belt ahead of time. I might or might not end upon the public stage someday but only time will tell.
            Either way I will always continue to speak out about issues that I think need speaking out about. Even if it is not a popular view at times. I have to speak out for what is right though because I have to be able to look myself in the mirror. Even when it makes me seem unpopular to some people. I base it on an old saying, “Evil wins when good people do nothing.” And it is true as well. Because when good people do nothing about things that are wrong they don’t get made right. So it is on everyone to stand up for what is right no matter what. Even when it spits in the eye of authority.
            But for now have rambled on enough for one day. So for now I’m going to grab a nap before dinner. And feel free to leave comments or questions below as always. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards his bedroom.*

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