Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday Coffee: Enjoying My New Phone

            Good afternoon, and hopefully everyone is having a good day. I’m in a bit of a bragging mood today so be forewarned. But man the day has flown by me. It’s already 3 PM and last I knew it was just coming up on 10 AM. Time does fly by when you are having fun. I was outside earlier waiting on my case manager since we were having an outside appointment due to the weather being nice. Ended up taking a couple pictures while I was out there and posting them to my personal Facebook. Well I posted one right away still have to post the other one. Still have yet to have my daily coffee but the day despite flying by is still young.
            I still have some schoolwork to do as well, but I can get to that a bit later and still get it done in a timely manner. Plus I plan to get some personal reading done after writing today’s column. Then a little personal writing before schoolwork. Just trying to use the energy I have while I have it to get done as much as I can. After all I know it is only a matter a time before my energy level drops. But until then I will be as productive as I can be. And then push through as much as I can when they do drop.
            And part of the reason it is taking so long for me to get this out today is I am playing with my new phone constantly. I’m as bad as a kid with a new toy at Christmas. I keep finding new things to do with it constantly. I still plan to take my laptop with me when I go out don’t get me wrong. Just maybe not as much on short trips. I’ll still take it with me when I am planning to go to the library or overnight someplace. Same with my Kindle even though my phone can do everything it can. But there are some books I can only access on my Kindle. As time goes on I will learn how to use the three best together to get the most bang for my buck as they say.
            But I will stop rambling and bragging for now. It has gotten late and still want to try and get some of the stuff on my to do list done for the day. Plus I am getting a bit hungry on top of everything else. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. *Tips his hat and starts walking towards the kitchen.*

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