Thursday, September 10, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Working At Burgr King

            I’m slowly getting back on track, for the first time in a long time I slept through most of the night. It will probably lead to an earlier bed time for me tonight but it is a start. You have to start somewhere right. On more of a bright side I am looking forward to counseling today. I have missed it since I have been on vacation from it. Things are finally starting to click in the right places again. And I am enjoying that feeling. And I will ride the wave as long as it lasts and then fix it again when it breaks down. But I will keep it going as long as I can. Eventually it will go on indefinitely. But as I was eating out the other day I was remembering my time working at Burger King. And while it didn’t end so well it wasn’t all bad.
            It actually started out pretty well. I worked drive thru and put burgers through the broiler for a while. Then they had me making sandwiches and doing drive thru on my own. Day shift was pretty boring overall. Though it got hectic at lunch when burgers and chicken are flying everywhere. I am flying around the kitchen trying to make sure everything that needs cooking get cooked. For that hour or so it was nonstop stress. Usually after lunch they gave me a smoke break which was nice. Helped me relax and get back in the game.
            When I started working the night shift the real fun began. We would send the low man on the totem pole to McDonald’s for our dinner. Plus we blared the Insane Clown Posse throughout the kitchen. Took smoke breaks whenever we wanted to. We had a blast and the discussions we had were interesting at times. It made work go by fast till the dreaded closing time, where somehow I always got stuck cleaning the broiler. That thing was a pain to clean. But I always had a ride to my next job.
            The weekends were the hardest and what eventually led me to leave the job. I barely ever got much sleep the night before. So I was a walking zombie all through the weekend. Finally I put my foot down demanding weekends off once it had gone to being totally corporate like. They said no I said I quit. By the time I did quit I was miserable there and not having the fun like I used to have. Maybe it is a malfunction in me but I think you should have fun at your job and enjoy it. Not be totally miserable at it. After all if you are going to do it for a living you might as well enjoy it right.
            Burger King was my only fulltime job ever so far. But I think my next one will be just as fun as Burger King was at its peak. Feel free to leave comments about what you think of me from Burger King or my philosophy about working below. For now I need more coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the brewer.*

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