Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday Chit Chat: You Can Lead A Horse To Water

             It’s been a long week and term. Seeing some light at the end of the tunnel though. I always get stressed out at the end of term it seems. And then I come through with little to no problem in the end. Still some work to do, which I will be getting to after writing and posting this. But I thinking I can handle it now. Just when you are faced with it at first it seems so overwhelming. But once you start knocking some of it down it becomes more and more manageable.
            Though lately the universe has been smacking me upside with an old saying. The old saying being you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Not sure why the universe is smacking me upside the head with this message.  But I have a few theories as to why it is. The main one being I tend to try too hard to help people. And I can put too much of myself out there in helping people that I put myself last.
            And that is not a good thing. No one should ever put themselves last it is not healthy. It’s something I am slowly learning and at times struggling with. I have a tendency to want to put the whole world on my shoulders. Mainly because I have such a big heart. But sometimes you have to put yourself first and that can be hard for me. Especially when I see people struggling and trying to get better. I just want to reach out to the and help them get better.
            But sometimes the path for them is they have to do it on their own with you just being on the sidelines cheering them on and giving them tips. Even when they stumble and fall. It can be hard and I still struggle with that role myself. But sometimes it helps the change stick better and more deeply. And it feels to them that they truly earned it. It’s like a pride thing for fighters. But even then there are certain times someone has to step in.
            It’s just knowing when that is that takes wisdom and restraint. I’m still learning on this one. Some days I want to wrap the whole world in a hug and go it will be ok. Other times I want to smack it upside the head and ask it what it is smoking. I think everyone goes through that from time to time, or maybe I am just weird like that. This is probably why I am a writer and not a business man, I am not ruthless enough.
            I can still run a small business just not one of those corporate ones where bigger is better. And you have to be willing to be cutthroat all the time. I have three ventures in mind. One of which everyone already knows about. The other two only a select few know about as I am developing them. They are still in the early stages after all. Though if you look closely in my writing you might find hints of them.
            I’ve got some big changes coming up but those will have to wait till Monday to be discussed. Right now I have to get back to work on a presentation I am working on. So feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email in the box bow where it says follow by email. As for me I am off to record for the presentation I mentioned. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *