Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Beginnings: Community Connections

            I’m starting the week off in the hole with school, but only by one paper, which will be made up by the end of the day. Then I will be on track for the week, so no worries. I would have been on track already, but had some sleeping issues come into play. My own fault and I own up to them. Some people I know have had far more serious issues to deal with, so I have nothing to complain about just stating the facts and owning up to it is all.
            But I am still enjoying my classes and all the work that comes with them. They are enlightening and fun. I’m only making a B but I am earning it. Today will be a day where I talk a bit about how things used to be for me. And, how I want them to be for everyone eventually. I see some hope in my neighborhood lately, where for too long it has been quiet. And, just the other day I heard kids playing outside like you used to hear all the time. It was refreshing and good to hear live brought back into the neighborhood.
            Now if the adults could start opening up a bit and trying to socialize with each other it would be even better. I wouldn’t mind being a tutor for some of the kids and even holding a writing group for them. At least those that like it. And, I know parents can be nervous so the parents are welcome to attend and even participate. Maybe I haven’t yet given up on my neighborhood yet. Maybe I am not capable of that. Or maybe I am just dreaming again.
            When communities come together they are a power to be reckoned with. They produce better citizens and reduce crime in their neighborhoods as well. And, everyone is happier overall. Plus, they can do more for each other. And, the celebrations can be bigger as well. Block parties were always a favorite of mine. Now that I think about it might be a good place for a book signing. Hoping my building has a block party this year since people are starting to not be so isolated.
            One can hope anyways. And, once I finish my education and get started working I will find ways to give back to the community I know that. Speaking of working I got my first rejection letter today. It was from that piece I just put in on Friday. But I’m not upset. I plan to celebrate it. After all every author has gotten a rejection letter at some point in their career. I plan to print it out at some point and frame it even.
            You have to take the bad with the good after all. And, I’m still being published this year so that is something to look forward to. And expect me to be promoting it on my author page as well as on here. I’ll also be working to get a few other things published throughout the year as well. This year I am diving full force not only into the community but also into the publishing world. So, hang on tight it could be a bumpy ride.
            I hope you have enjoyed the conversation today and stopping by my little corner of the web. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am off to do school work as always as well as some pleasure reading. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *


  1. I'm a big contributor to Community and Neighbors. It has always been an important part of my life, especially in raising my boys as a single Mom. Thank you Chris. I really like the black on white...very pleasant to read.

  2. Another wonderful post thanks for sharing Buddy!
