Saturday, April 23, 2016

Saturday Coffee: On Pins And Needles

            Coming to you as live as a blog can from the recliner is me. I do apologize for there being no column yesterday, but it was a chaotic day as well as the fact that I had had no sleep. So, to prevent a seizure from potentially I had to get some sleep and ended up sleeping through till this morning. But doing much better this morning and still riding a wave of excitement and nervousness from yesterday. Yesterday morning, I submitted my first story that if accepted will be the first story I have ever been paid for.
             To say I am excited and nervous at the same time is an understatement. I am hoping for it to be accepted beyond crazy. But if I get rejected it will also be another first so either way is something I will celebrate. Just one is something that will be celebrated bigger than the other. After all I am still learning and still growing. If I get accepted at this point it says something about my talents. If not, it just says I have some growing left to do.
            I know if not now I will get there eventually. And, that sometimes it just takes longer than you want it to. But it would be nice to start getting paid now for something I put a lot of effort into. And, I enjoy the things I put the effort into as well. So, when I do start getting paid for it, it will be awesome. Until then once I am out of college I will have to have a day job while I am pursuing it at the same time.
            And, I have a couple of day jobs I have in mind for pursuing when the time comes. One of which is pursuing something in journalism, probably an opinion column or something up that alley. Another idea I had was teaching writing in college since I enjoy the art of writing so much. But, I could teach other classes as well in one of my minors as well. Just a couple of the many ideas floating around in my head.
            One thing I am never lacking is ideas. I just wish I could make them all happen, but I know I can so I have to pick and choose. I’m only one person after all. But, no matter what I do I plan to give back to the community and make a difference. I’m not sure how yet but I know that is something near and dear to my heart. I have been helped by so many people giving their time and energy to helping me and the community that I want to give back like they did to pay it forward.
            And, we need more people to do that now more than ever. I know people work hard as well as working a lot of hours. I also know they only get so much family time, but if everyone took a weekend here and there or a few hours here and there. Just to mentor or help out today’s youth to make sure they understand what it is all really about maybe we could get back on track. There was a time when the community helped out with kids whether it was doing homework or keeping them out of trouble. And, granted we live in a different era there has to be some sort of network in the neighborhoods to do something similar to this once more. At least I would think there must be.
            I know people are scared but we can’t let fear rule us. Sometimes people really are as they seem. I know funny coming from me who would appear to be the weirdest guy in a neighborhood probably. But, we have got to try and knit community networks back together for stronger community ties so that bad things can be better prevented hopefully. As well as giving the next generation a better chance at a successful future.
            I’ll get down off my soapbox now and sorry for going on a mini rant. It just came out of nowhere. But, feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am off to do some school work and then a bit of reading and if there is time some work on a short story. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *