Thursday, April 14, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Me And Weed For The Record

            Now most of you know I smoke cigarettes and am hooked on caffeine. And, some of you might even know of how and when I have used weed. But I am going on the record about it. So that there can be no confusion about it with anyone. It was a phase in my life and I am not ashamed of it. It was what I needed back then to get through some hard times and tame my anger at times. It also led to some interesting discussions.
            I started smoking it at 17 on top of all things the Salvation Army Warehouse. I fell halfway down it that night as well. It was then that I started using it about once a day and would last till I was 22 roughly. Then I just walked away from it. I didn’t need it anymore. I didn’t pick it up again till last year when I was having epileptic twitches in my legs. I used it then to get them to stop till my doctor could get a better idea of what to do.
            I used it only because I had done research and knew it helped with Epilepsy. It wasn’t just a blind Hail Mary. I’ve kept up with the medical research since it started coming out. And even before that I believed it should be legal. To me it is just a plant not a drug. I have never done anything stronger than it and for those wanting me to do any other drug than it. Let me be very clear I will not. Weed is my limit and only when it is needed.
            And I know it is not as dangerous as alcohol the studies show, but I am just not into that part of my life as much as I joke about it. I had my fun in the sun when I was young and if it is legalized I might dip in now and then but only if it is legalized. Other than that I don’t see me using it except for medical purposes or in old age. But, as far as those of you doing it, I’ve got nothing against you. Just be careful and make sure you are covered legally.
            No sense getting yourself thrown in jail over a plant when it is so close to being legalized. We already have states where it is legal so you have options if you really want to do it recreationally. Me I’m not old enough or at least not in a mind frame to be one of those people yet. Too much work to do still. But I see a day when I will pick it up again in remembrance of a friend who taught me a lot. He also got me my first job in the newspaper business, putting together newspapers.
            I admit I have made some mistakes in the past but smoking weed probably kept my butt out of jail believe it or not. That is how much of a hot head I was in the early years. Time slowly cooled my jets and mellowed me out. Weed was just the emergency break at the time till the natural breaks could work better. I’m still working on it but better than I was back then on my own. I’ve come a long way but still have a long way to go.
            I just figured I would clear a few things up about me today with this trip down memory lane. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says to follow by email. As for me I have some reading to do. That and I need a snack since two hot pockets aren’t really dinner they are more of a lunch. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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