Friday, April 22, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Family

            I do apologize for there not being a column yesterday, but I had a nasty case of writer’s block. But, feeling much better today. A little behind on schoolwork, but that will be rectified tonight quickly. Just kind of bummed out after hearing about the death of Prince and Joanie “Chyna” Laurer. I grew up a fan of both and followed their careers. I hope they find piece on the other side. But, that is not my throwback for today. Today I wanted to touch on how important family is to me.
            I’m not speaking for anyone else today just me. And, to me family is more than blood relatives. Unfortunately, I’ve lost contact with some of those I consider family over the years and I am sorry for that as well as wishing I could reconnect with them. And, me and my blood relatives have not always gotten along or understood each other completely. But, we are working on that in most cases. As well as making progress at it slowly but surely.
            But, even when we disagree I don’t stop loving my family or needing them. I may get frustrated with them at times, but who doesn’t with their family? And, I am always looking for an excuse to spend time with them. We talk about everything under the sun as well too. We are open books with each other for the most part though some of us can be reserved, but that is starting to change as time goes on.
            I strive to learn as much as I can from the older generation, so I don’t make the same mistakes. But, also so that I can write it all down someday. I have a thirst for knowledge so when one of my elders is willing to sit down and talk to me I am all for sitting there and listening as well as absorbing the knowledge they wish to give me. Plus, believe it or not your elders can have some pretty entertaining stories.
            I mean heck I was fascinated when my great-grandfather told me about how they used to haul ice in the winter time over breakfast one day. It also prepared me for when it came up in school later in life. I had an edge on the class and could speak from a different perspective and give a better understanding than just from the book. And, it also helps when your family is supportive of your dreams as well as being willing to help with them in any way they can.
            I know I am lucky that my family is so supportive and that I didn’t have to sell them on my dreams. And, I am thankful that they will back me to the moon and back. They aren’t perfect but they try to do their best for me as they have always intended to do I think as well as feel. And, it means a lot knowing my dad is willing to come to counseling to help me get better. I hope he is reading this and know that it means a lot.
            After all I know I can be a pain in the butt and I know I can be very stubborn when I am fixated on something much like my son from what I hear. I always wanted my dad’s approval and now it seems I am getting it and we talk more to a point. But, it’s a start and I am willing to take it slow. I just want to earn his respect. And, that is hard to admit after burying it so deep for so many years but it is the truth. I’ve even started becoming a workaholic like him. I read everything I can get my hands on and write every day to practice. And, starting to get an idea for a story as we speak, but it will have to wait till after schoolwork is done for the day.
            Trust me it will take more than one column to talk about my family as I expect it would most people. But, it is a start and I hope you enjoyed it even though I got a little misty eyed as well as deep. And, do feel free to leave comments and questions below. Plus, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says to follow by email. AS for me I am off to do school work and more. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *