Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday Insights: Parents

            I was going to do today’s blog on book challenges but that can wait till later in the week. I stumbled on Kelly Clarkson’s song “Piece by Piece” and it reminded me how important it is to be there as a parent as well as how much I want to be there for my son as a parent. And, I thought it was a good idea to remind all parents especially you younger ones out there that it your kids really do need you and not just for learning right for long. They need you emotionally.
            My parents were consumed with their own issues for most of the time I was growing up and that took its toll on me I won’t lie. Kids need their parents there for that love or there are holes left there. And, a wanting as well as a feeling like they aren’t good enough. Even that they might have done something wrong. As kids we all wanted to spend time with our moms and dads, which is what our kids want now.
            Though it gets rocky in the teenage years when they might not want to be around you as much, because it is not so cool. You remember how we all felt about being around our parents back then. When they wanted their own space to grow and find their place. But while they are young they want your attention and love. And, to do stuff with you as well as to learn from you. To show you what they are interested in s you can join in on the fun.
            I know some of the stuff will probably seem silly or not what you like to do. But, you could be honing their talent for something or helping them start a career just by pretending to be enthusiastic and share these things with you. This is the most important job you will ever have despite what your boss might try to say. I wish I could hear about my son’s school day every day, but that isn’t possible right now. I sometimes wonder if he ever reads my blog and if he does I hope he knows I love him more than anything in the whole universe. And, that I am going to make him tell me all about his adventures growing up that I missed.
            Sorry got a little weepy eyed there. It’s just hard sometimes. I mean yes most of my friends’ kids know me as Uncle Chris but it is still not the same. Though I still do my best to be a good uncle figure. I keep counting down the years till I get to see him again. And, I look forward to that day as if it was the biggest Christmas ever. And, I do everything I can think of to make him as proud of me as possible. Which, brings me to how our kids want to interact with us as adults.
            As adults we know we have limited time with our parents so we try to spend as much time as we can with them. We value their wisdom and opinions more. We also try to help out around the house and yard as much as possible to ease their burden. We find every little excuse we can to spend time with them and even treat them out to meals just for the excuse to spend time with them. We know there will come a day when we will have to part from them and we dread that day. So we spend as much time with them as we can now.
            My point being kids always need their parents even when they pretend they don’t. I know it can be hard but it is so worth it. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am going to go read some email and get to work on school work. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *


  1. Excellent Chris...so enjoyed. I do have a comment. In my life with my sons, I never, ever pretended enthusiasm for any of their dreams and hopes. For me, celebrating their passions was always a joy and delight. The Universe blessed me with wonderful boys and grown men. Ben and Josh have always been my greatest teachers and loves. Best to you Chris. Keenan

  2. very emotional post and for me my kids are my main priority. thanks for writing this. Always the best!
