Thursday, March 31, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Freshman English Class

            I’m feeling pretty good today. I got a lot of school work done yesterday. So I am feeling like I am getting stuff accomplished and I plan to get more accomplished today. Just got have to get a meeting out of the way first. I’m up a little earlier than I planned to be though. Reminds me of high school when I had to be up at the crack of dawn. So I started going down memory road once more since it is Throwback Thursday.
            Specifically, I started thinking on my Freshman English Class because of the classes I am taking this term and next term. Plus, because of how my English Professor has been so supportive this term like my English Teacher was so supportive back then, which makes me feel bad for not being able to do better in her class so far this term. It’s a difficult form of writing for me is all. Though I keep trying to do it right. But my Professor makes me want to work hard for her like my English Teacher did back then.
            Though with my English Teacher it was a bit different. She would look over every story I brought in and edit it for me. Provided I had done all my homework of course. This made me want to work hard for her. And sometimes I overdid it, but she never complained about that. Just reminded me to review what I had already red and limit it to that for essays and such. She also encouraged me to read something else in place of the reading, which I did since I was a bookworm back then.
            She helped foster my love of writing in its early years maybe you could call it the toddler years. She let it take its own course and shape itself. I think she knew I would end up a writer and that it would work out eventually. I hope she knows what a positive influence she had on me back then. I am sure I was a pain in the butt with all the stories I brought in as well as asking for other classics to read on top of what I was reading already.
            But back then once I hooked into a genre I obsessed over it and tried to get as much of it as I could. I’ve since changed a bit and more follow certain authors though keep my eyes open for things to pop into my reading list from people I have never read though. My library is ever growing and expanding. Some would be surprised at what is in my collection now compared to back then. But our tastes change over time.
            As for my Freshman English Teacher I hope she would be proud of both the reader and writer I have turned into. Although I think she wouldn’t be surprised that commas still give me a problem as they did back then. Those things are tricky to deal with for me what can I say. But, I am slowly getting better with them as I progress through college. Just taking a little bit of time is all. Eventually I will master them or at least get close to it I think.
            This walk down memory lane has got me inspired to do some more work. So feel free to leave your comments and questions below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box blow where it says follow by email. As for me I have some studying to do and a meeting to attend. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed "memory lane" harvested my own good memories. Thank you my Friend.
