Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Free Write: Narrowing Down Political Science Final Project

            Today will be a double posting day since I am in a jam on my final project for Political Science and need to use the blog to sound it out and I have a topic to talk about as well. My jam is I am stuck between two topics for my final project selection. On one hand I have prison reform which I have great ideas for and on the other is education reform which I also have great ideas for. I don’t know a lot about what is going on in the prisons currently but have some ideas from people I have talked to. I do know what is going on in education from reading about it and experiencing it and talking to people.
            Not sure if going with the topic that I have more info on is better or if going with the topic I would have to do more research on is better. Granted I am not the best researcher in college, but I am getting better at it as I go along. And I would have someone to point me in the right direction with education reform versus prison reform.  Both require research to prove my view on the topic but with education I have more help. Plus I think I have spoken on my views of prison reform here before, though I am not 100% sure on that as we approach our 200th post. You heard right we are approaching 200 posts on the blog. Not sure what I will do for the 200th post but I have to give it some thought soon.
            But back to the topic at hand I think I will go with education since I can get more help with it. Also I believe I have covered my views on prison reform before. So it makes sense to delve into a topic I have yet to cover here. As I dive into this class. And unless I want to visit prisons I am not going to get much hands on perspective about the topic of prison reform. But I can get a good idea of education reform and even ask to visit a couple of local schools if need be to get a hands on feel for education reform. Which is much more comfortable than prison I am sure.
            Though I might do a separate research paper for here on prison reform again at some point. Just to have it more academically laid out for you, my readers. But for now I have my topic for class. So my next step is to write up my topic proposal and get it submitted to class and then write the blog entry I planned to write for today originally. As always feel free to leave comments and questions below. *Tips his hat and walks out the door to the kitchen for a drink.*

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Beginnings: Homeschooling

I know I wasn’t around yesterday, but I had one of those days where all I wanted to do was sleep. They are becoming fewer and farther between lately, which is good. Plus I had a deadline to meet for school work and before you knew it the day was gone on me. Still working on balancing the new term with my efforts to have an outgoing life. So far it is off to an ok start, but there is always room for improvement. Eventually I will have the balance I want in writing, socializing, and school. Of course probably by that time it will be time to start all over again. But only time will truly tell. I’m also getting acquainted with the new Microsoft Office Programs that were just updated over the weekend. So far so good. It will still take some getting used to but overall the change is good for me.
            I was talking with an extremely close friend of mine that I hope will become much more than a friend in the future and we were talking about how she wants to homeschool her kids. On top of that I got a call while spending time with my mom and played the part of Superintendent to help get one of her kids on task. I was happy to help and it was effective. But it has made me have to think about homeschooling and what I think about it. And me and her have had discussions about it and I figure I am secure enough in my views to go on the record. Plus I enjoy sharing my thoughts with all of you, my readers, and getting your feedback as well.
            I once knew a homeschool student and she had a tough time adjusting to public school life when she got to high school. But that shouldn’t be exemplary or all homeschooled kids. I’ve seen play groups sprouting up for homeschool kids more frequently. Especially in this digital age, where it is much easier to organize with parents around a town or city. So that helps take care of the socializing aspect that was a problem for many homeschooled kids before. Whereas back in the 80s and early 90s they interacted with mostly adults and other kids at like church or in the stores. But they didn’t really know how to interact with their peers on a social level outside of there. Now I see them getting more of a socialized education in a more rounded sense in this day and age. And that is not to say the parents didn’t try back in earlier times. It was just more difficult. And some parents were more restrictive than others.
            I can’t really blame them now a days with some of the junk on television. Might be why I turned to Netflix and other ways of viewing movies and television I want to outside of the mindless cable box. But that is a discussion for another time, maybe even tomorrow. But for now let’s get back to homeschooling. I find that homeschooling can give kids an edge. Especially if the parent is willing to be impartial and go back over stuff that needs going back over. As well as fostering passions if they are apparent and stay that way. It can help the child tremendously in the future. It can also give the child more freedom to learn in different ways than what the publics schools are willing to teach in this current day and age. And make it easier to keep the child’s imagination alive as well. While still teaching all the fundamentals that a well-rounded education requires.  
            In many cases homeschooled kids can come out academically more prepared for college than public or private schooled children. And with the socializing going on with the digital age not in the least bit handicapped in social groups heading into college. But at the same time I don’t think homeschooling is for every kid either. I think it has to be taken on a case by case basis to figure out what works best for every kid. Just like we should do with many things for kids and adults instead of treating them like one shoe fits all so to speak.
            You’ll hear more from me about television and adjusting things for people as needed as the week goes on. My brain has found a wave and it is going to surf it for a while. But for now I am going to grab a soda and relax for a bit with a good book. Feel free as always to leave comments and questions below. *Tips his hat and walks out the door grabbing a soda as he heads towards the library. *

Friday, September 25, 2015

Rambling Friday: Just Chilling

            Good evening, hoping everyone has had a good day. I’ve just been just relaxing and chilling all day today. And sleeping a lot. But it was one of those relaxing type of days. Checked in on the Discussion Board for class and my Professor has asked me a question to make me really think so I have that to answer tonight as well as some book work to do. I can tell my energy is starting to wane so time to start hitting the coffee again to compensate for it. Plus I just like the taste in general. Probably have a cup tomorrow when I wake up.
            Depending on when I wake up tomorrow I might try to go see Black Mass at the theater. Going to see that next in the theater. Finally got my movie app working on the new phone. Plus there are some new ones coming out this week that look good as well. Just have to get my butt in gear, and get to the theater. And I know I can watch movies at home, which is fine all in itself. But there is something about going to the theater that is an experience all in its own. Watching movies at home is for when you want to watch a movie over and over again. But when you first see a movie you should see it in the theater in my opinion. Just something magical about it.
            Just like there is something magical about reading a book for the first time even after hearing all the hype or critics about it. It is still magical because you are reading it for the first time. Though the two experiences are different in their own right they are the same in some ways. The very first time you read a book should be the best possible just like when you see a film for the first time. Because there can only be one first time for a book or movie or even a song. And the better that first time is the more you will come back for more time and time again.
            And I will still get all my schoolwork done on time this week no matter what I end up doing tomorrow. Might even do some more of it tonight beyond what my Professor asked of me. But we will have to wait and see. As always feel free to leave comments and questions below. For now I am going to just relax a bit more before getting to work and maybe watch a movie. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the theater.*