Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wednesday Coffee: What I Think Needs To Happen At Amistad

            First off I apologize for this being a late column. Secondly this is a bit of a two-part column. You’ll understand when you see tomorrow’s column. I’ve been a member at Amistad for 16 years as I have mentioned before. I’ve seen some things work and some things not. One thing that has majorly made it work has been making it a privilege to be allowed to come there. Now that being said even when we have to kick a member out there should be someone checking up on the member kicked out, so that they know yes they are being punished. But, the community still cares about them.
            We also need to crack down hard on people coming in drunk and drug problems in Amistad, but we need to do it in such a way that people are getting help. And, I know we have been having some theft from the kitchen, which needs to be dealt with. Now that is the easy stuff, now comes the hard part. We need to bring in a Vocational Rehab worker at some point, maybe not right away. First we need to have some activities that are inspirational to getting people thinking of jobs they want to do mixed with some fun activities as well as some healthy activities.
            We also need to come together as a community to support everyone and especially those that need it the most who are having a hard time. We need to encourage each other and listen to each other. All we do nowadays is sit around. There are no discussions going on and no exchanges of useful information going on like there used to be. The only group I see communicating are the Magic: The Gathering Players, same as it was when I left.
            And, I am not leaving the older members out of this one either. We need as many older members that can to come back and be mentors. The younger generation can benefit from your wisdom, and some are willing to listen. Maybe not all of them, but some of them. And, that has got to be worth something. There was always meant to be a melding of the generations and it might not go smoothly. But, we can find a way to make it work.
            I do have an idea for fundraising as well that could help us year round and might cost little to no money to do. I’ve got to run it by Brian first and it could benefit members greatly. At least in one area maybe more. It’s just one of my ideas crashing into this idea. Sometimes that happens what can I say. Stay tuned for details. Since for now it is still forming in my brain. Brainstorms are a pain in the butt late at night but I am going to roll with it.
            That is just some of the issues I see with Amistad though. But, I have rambled long enough. Feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am going to do some reading and then get some shut eye. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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