Thursday, May 12, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Peter Driscoll

            It has been a momentous day if you are a member of Amistad, Peter Driscoll has retired as the executive director. I apologize Peter if I spelled your last name wrong. I first met Peter when I was 18 years old and nervous as could be on my first day at Amistad. He along with all the regular members at the time were extremely reassuring to me as well as welcoming. He made me feel welcome that day and every time I saw and talked to him.
            You would never hear him say a negative thing unless it was with a ton of sarcasm. He always ate lunch with the members no matter how busy he was. You would find him every day in the dining room with the rest of the members mingling and eating. Always complimenting the chef as well. Peter would make his house open in the summer for a get together of the members and his family was and is a part of our community. Just as he is still despite his retiring.
            And when one of us passed away he was emotional along with the rest of us. Peter has been an inspirational leader for Amistad and fought for every cent of funding he could get for us. And, he has done a wonderful job of it, making it possible for Amistad to be open 6 days a week as well as to serve lunch every day it is open. Plus, he made it possible for us to serve breakfast five days of the week that we are open as well.
            Every idea I have ever wanted to explore Peter has encouraged me to look into. He has been supportive of me going back to college. He never discouraged a member from going above and beyond or from trying new things. In fact, he has always encouraged us to try new things. Just getting to say hi to Peter is enough to brighten anyone’s day since he is so cheerful. You have to wonder how he does it with every obstacle he faces on a regular basis to keep Amistad running.
            But, no matter what he has been faced with he has almost always done it with a smile. I have only seen that man break down twice since I have been a member. The first time was when Shawn Potter passed a way, which was devastating to all of Amistad. You will hear more about Shawn next week here. And, the second time was today when he made his retirement speech. And, when Peter cries we all cry with him.
            He has been the backbone of Amistad emotionally along with Chuck for a long time. Chuck is taking a sabbatical for now. And, Peter is retiring to have more time with his family as he has much earned for all he has done for us. But, I hope he remembers that we consider him family too as well as his family. And, they will always have a place at Amistad. I also find it fitting that the dining room has been named Driscoll’s Diner.
            And, it should stay that way for good. He has earned that honor, by being an ever reassuring presence there no matter what crisis we faced. You could always count on Peter being in the dining room having lunch with us and being cheerful. He has taught us courage, integrity, as well as sacrifice all while being the executive director of Amistad. And, I don’t feel a sense of lose since he has assured me he will be popping in from time to time.
            For many he has been the father figure they lost or never had and he has done a hell of a job filling such big shoes. For me he was one of my mentors when I most needed one, and I hope to do him proud. And, that I have done him proud in this column. You are hard to sum up in words Peter. Even for a writer like me. I know and trust that you have left Amistad in good hands. But, I’ll still be watching all the same just for peace of mind anyways.
            And, I could go on and on about the good works you have done Peter but I will let them speak for themselves. I just hope I did you proud. Feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I need some tissues and a cup of coffee before I go to do schoolwork. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

1 comment:

  1. awesome post buddy. God bless Mr. Driscoll and all those associated with Amistad.
