Monday, May 9, 2016

Sunday Chit Chat: It’s Been A Heck Of A Week

            I know I have been absent most of the week, but it has been a busy week. Seems like I have been out the door as soon as I wake up almost every day this past week. But I have been enjoying it overall. I’m just trying to work on balancing it with school and blogging. On top of that been having sleep issues towards the later part of this week where I keep sleeping in. But, working on bouncing back into my more comfortable routine.
            I’ll find the right balance eventually, but I think I am getting closer to it than before. I’m still enjoying my classes and learning a good deal from them. Still need to work on my writing style for my literature class though. Though it has improved from last term. I still have a paper to write for communication after writing this column tonight. Not exactly sure what I am going to write for it yet, but brainstorming in the back of my head.
            Not the easiest thing to do when one sentence is already written for you, and you have to build around it in a sense. Writing to a prompt is a bit easier. I think in this case I might have to write it like I write my columns here. To a point anyways. Been listening to a lot of audio books and short stories lately, and enjoying them. I have to come up with an annotated bibliography soon for my literature class. I already decided to use short stories for it.
            That way I won’t be killing myself in the research aspect of it all. And, at the same time I can enjoy it a bit as well. I think I will add that to my to do list for next week and see what I come up with for sources. My book club also starts reading next week, which I am looking forward to. We will be reading On Writing by Stephen King. I am looking forward to it myself since it is said to be a must read for all writers. So, I will see what the living legend has to offer for advice.
            I’m also thinking of checking out the neighborhood church next Sunday and seeing what they are all about. My spiritual path is still developing but I am drawn to doing something on Sunday mornings. So I think I will try to get up early on next Sunday and go over and introduce myself as well as see what they are about. I’m still feeling my way into a new routine that is both adjustable and natural feeling as well as gets me out into the community.
            I’m also in the process of getting into working with a career advisor at SNHU, so that when I get out of college finally I can get the best job possible that fits me best. So far just in the early stages though. But, I am up for a long haul. Expect a bit of promoting from me around the end of May through June since I have stories coming out in an anthology. So, I will be promoting that here and on my author page.
            But, for now I am going to go do some reading before bed since this is getting out later than I wanted it to. And, then trying to be up as early as I can be tomorrow. Though feel free to leave comments and questions below. Also if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says follow by email. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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