Monday, May 30, 2016

Monday Beginnings: Memorial Day and a Few Other Things

            I know I said I was going to get up on my soapbox today, but that was me forgetting to look at my calendar. Today is memorial day, the day that we give thanks to our men and woman in uniform and our veterans both living and passed on for their service. A day to set aside politics as well as problems for one day and focus on them. We honor them in parades and with various other events around the country today as it should be.
            As we should do every time they come home whether alive or having passed on. They died defending our freedom after all. Freedom I stand up and defend in my own way here in this blog by calling out everything wrong I see in this country. And that you my readers tell me if I am wrong or right about. I can’t serve in the military or I would be in the Navy. A tradition that has gone on in my family two generations before me.
            But, I am still grateful to all the armed service men and women who guard against anyone who would take my right to write freely away. And, you can be damned sure I will stand up for any veteran when someone goes to insult them. I may not agree with what they are asked to do and may protest it. But, I will never take it out on them. They have to follow orders unless they are unjust or unconstitutional. That is there job and what they signed up for. And, it is not an easy life though some enjoy it.
            They defend our right to pledge allegiance to the flag. As well as stomp on it burn it or anything else we can think to do to it in protest. And, I defend that too as much as I may not agree with it. But, it is still a right we have in this country. I have learned a lot in this past year. Mostly that to be truly a good citizen I have to be willing to defend the rights of those I disagree with as much as I do those I agree with.
            And, that is the hard part of being a good citizen. It’s easy to stand up for the rights of those that you agree with. But, when it comes to standing up for the right of those you disagree with even though they are entitled to them it can be difficult. But, still it is the right thing to do as an American. Because rights apply to all of us not just the ones we agree with. As much as we sometimes wish they did. Even our troops know this.
            And, yet still they volunteer to fight for us to be able to have these rights. Even the ones they disagree with. They fight to protect their rights too. How many of you can say you would do that without hesitation? I know there are some that wish they could but are medically unfit too. So, no I am not bashing. Donald Trump talks about building a wall to protect us from immigrants. We don’t need to build a wall we already have one to protect us from anyone who would do us harm. It is every man and woman in uniform today.
            I meant to get to some other stuff, but I think I’ve said enough for one day. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me it is back to the grind maybe. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

1 comment:

  1. Very profound true that rights are for all of us, even though we disagree with where they stand. I need to remember that, clearly. I detest Trump, but he has every right to say, think, and feel what he wants. That is difficult for me to honor, but you are right, as a good citizen I need to honor his rights. Great thoughts Chris...thank you.
