Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thursday Coffee: What Has Changed Me From Mere Consumer To Advocate

            I do apologize for there being no throwback today, but I just wasn’t feeling it for once. I feel like everyone expects me just to be a consumer now a days and as I am standing up to be an advocate they want to discourage me and say it is futile. And, I refuse to take that answer. But, no one gets the why in me refusing to take that answer for an answer. It comes down to growth pretty much. I’ve been a consumer since I was 16. And, finally something has just changed in me that I have grown out of that role sort of.
            I still need services don’t get me wrong. But, I am able to stand up for others as well now. I don’t just have to sit back and say thank you. I am tired of things happening and going in directions without having a hand in shaping them. I know I have ideas that can help and I want to contribute. Before I wasn’t read, but now I feel ready. I could be taking a bigger bite out of things than I am ready for, but I don’t think so.
            And, the odds can be stacked against me that is fine. I’m willing to up the stakes and deal with people in a higher power. I’m willing to talk the talk and walk the walk. And, I don’t need any of the credit for it either. I want to start something that can be transferred from me to someone else when I get ready to move on or get too old to do it. To me there needs to be a symbol put in place for people. Kind of like people have a Dear Abby in the paper.
            And, I’m willing to deal with the State of Maine Government on compromises. But, they are also going to listen to us as consumers as well on what we need they are not going to just dictate to us as if they know what we go through on a daily basis. Only each individual dealing with their illness knows what they are going through. And, the government has already dictated to us enough and treated us like invalids enough. Now we are stepping up and saying what we need.
            Those of us strong enough and capable enough. Now you must listen for you have refused to for far too long. You have treated us worse than dirt for years and still relegate us to living off less than minimum wage if we are on disability and not enough food stamps to be able to live healthy life styles. You act as if we deserve it for being ill. Well enough is enough. Now a boss is stepping into the ring and if you want your jobs you will listen and listen well.
            We are not going to go quietly into the night anymore. We will demand the services we are due and the benefits to live healthy and respectably. Is that really too much to ask for? Or are you really that heartless? You who are paid more than anyone ever has been for a part time job before. You act as if we should grovel at your feet and be thankful for what we have. We are tired of hearing things will change and get better. Now is the time for things to get better.
            I didn’t plan for that to turn into what it did, but I will get off my soapbox for now. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am going to do some reading. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

1 comment:

  1. WOW....STAY on that damn soapbox Christoper...that was powerful. I could feel your passion strongly. Don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't do something. You have a clear, strong, important voice. Please, use it more and more and more and more.
