I know I keep going quiet and that is either because I am
running errands or school comes up. But, I have to put school first. Eventually
this column will be part of my Patrion campaign to make a living writing as well
as doing other stuff. But, that won’t be until I am done school, which is a few
years away since I want to get my Master’s as well. And, this term I have been
reading about how short stories used to be published in the daily newspaper.
Reading that I was thinking how it would be nice if that
was brought back to newspapers today. Not as news but clearly marked as a short
story for people to relax with after reading all the stressed of the day. It
would be interesting to see. And, you could craft each story to the region it
was being published in as well. Stephen King once lamented over how he was
afraid the world was losing the art of the short story. I hope he was wrong. I
know I enjoy writing a good short story as well as reading them.
Personally I want to see the short story spread as a way
for writers coming into the business to cut their teeth like it used to be.
Instead of them having to jump right into writing a novel and self-publishing
or trying to sell it to a publisher. Writing short stories lets you build a
name for yourself as a good writer before having to delve into longer stuff. Then
when you go into the longer stuff you sell better and easier since you already
have a reputation. And, it saves you on having to give out free copies or
depend on reviews.
But I have seen success without doing it that way to. I
guess it just depends on the writer. For me I am more comfortable going the way
those before me went and cutting my teeth on short stories first. Though I have
some novel ideas already. Some of which I am slowly working on, which drives
some people I know insane. I just want it to come out right when it is finished.
Though I have the ending in mind already.
Just forming the middle can be a bit tricky. Usually when
I start a story or novel I know how I want it to begin and end, but where it
goes in between is up to it. It has a life of its own and sort of just flows
through me. And, I am building steam to be published multiple times a year
slowly but surely. Just taking time is all. But once I get there I will be in a
place like I am in school now. And, balancing it with my social life. Primarily
writing in the morning and early afternoon as well as at night a bit.
That is pretty much where I am now with school. Where it
takes up most of my time, but not all of it. And, I don’t mind that. Probably
because I am a bit of a workaholic once I find my groove. Granted it took me a
while to find my groove, but I am finding it now and enjoying it. And, finding
that I can get my personal writing and reading in almost every day as well as
possibly add some. Along with visiting with people, making my appointments, and
when it is good enough out catching a movie especially when I have someone to
go with.
I hope you have enjoyed your stay in my little corner of
the web for the day. And, I’m planning to be back tomorrow. But, for now feel
free to leave questions and comments below. And, if you want my columns to
appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says to
follow by email. As for me I am not sure exactly what I am off to do next for
once. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *