Friday, March 18, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Email

            I know I have been on a warpath lately, but people have needed to be called out for their actions. And as the old saying goes evil wins when good men do nothing. As I do consider myself a good man I had to do something since I do not want evil to win. But on a brighter note Happy Saint Patrick’s Day. I plan to celebrate with a coke and rum before bed myself unlike some of the fools out tonight.
            But it is also Throwback Thursday, so I will not be on the warpath today. And I know I am getting this out late but I have had to spend the past couple of days doing past due work for class. And I was musing how much I missed emailing back and forth between friends. I know we have instant messaging now a days. But I miss writing the heartfelt email to a friend and waiting for reply. We all used to crowd into the library at Gorham High to check our email on late Wednesday and send out emails as I remember it.
            Even as I got to use instant messenger I still sent emails. And in some cases even now that will be the easiest way to get in contact with some friends. Not because they don’t want to talk to me but because they are so busy between work and family. So maybe it isn’t all lost to the past yet. Just have to get a few email addresses and can start emailing again. Not sure if it will be exactly the same or not. But it is a starting point.
            I mean it won’t be like back at my old studio apartment where I would email and then play video games or watch television. Or even just write for a bit or read a book or magazine. But I think it will be similar especially once I get moved. I know I will use the desk for certain projects just not sure which ones. But I am going to be out in the living room more. See if I can get some semblance of normality into my life and work in my own way.
            The desk still has its use. I am just starting to realize that I am not bound to it like other people are right now. That for me I work better in other ways at the moment. Yeah I know I drifted off on a tangent again. Just I am starting to learn more about myself and figuring it out. I’ve never worked good at a desk. Just never been my style. I find them works of art sure. But I can’t shackle myself to one for long before I am back on my bed to work or out on the couch to work.
            It’s some sort of freedom thing with me. Same reason I have always wanted a cell phone and a laptop. So that I can go anywhere I want when the mood strikes me. I just got into a really big slump. Doesn’t mean I am leaving the house anytime soon. Just that I recognize a few things now. And I don’t feel like being out in the rain for the weekend. Or in a Nor’Easter on Monday. But I will be going to my appointment tomorrow.
            And some places are more conductive to me working than others. One place that doesn’t function well normally for me working is my mom’s house. I get too relaxed there. But I think I will try spending more time in the living room and I just remembered I do have to go out this weekend. I start at the gym Sunday. So yeah I am going to be getting out more. Just going to take me a while to adjust but I’ll get there.
            Not how I expected today’s column to turn out. But feel free to leave your questions and comments below I really value your feedback. And if you want my column to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says to follow by email. As for me I am not sure what I am doing next. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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