Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday Coffee: I Will Not Be Treated As A Second Class Citizen

            I went to bed last night and woke up this morning planning to do a nice little throwback piece about email. But then the Governor of Maine had to go and make me an angry ranting lunatic. Because he wants to treat me like a second class citizen since I am disabled and on food stamps. Yet I am not mentally ill enough to get some of the services I need according to him it appears. At least that is what the laws he has recently passed tell me.
            First off mr governor, I am an adult and I do not need you telling me what to eat and not eat. Or what I can spend my money on or not on since that is probably your next move. I am a citizen of America where I am supposed to be free whether disabled or not and I am getting tired of Republicans since it is your party that keeps wanting to treat me this way, telling me I am a second class citizen. You try to make it sound like it is my fault I am mentally ill and have Epilepsy. Well it’s not so sit down and keep your mouth shut until you actually know what you are talking about.
            You sit up on your high horse trying to act like my father when you know nothing about me. My own father acknowledges that I am an adult and allowed to make my own decisions. He may not agree with all of them but he knows they are mine to make. You seem to have a problem with allowing people to have the right to use free will. Except when it comes to fire arms and then it is every man for himself.  You want to control everything the poor do.
            But the rich get a green light to do anything they want. That is hardly fair or what this country was founded to allow. I bet you haven’t read the Declaration Of Independence or The Constitution Of The United States Of America. Because if you had you would be doing a much better of governing than you are. Instead of acting like you are king of Maine and can do anything you want. You are a tyrant who will get what is coming to him some day.
            And you have been told by the courts that you are a tyrant in the past. But you refuse to listen. You only listen to those who agree with you and punish those who oppose you in any way shape or form. Well fine come punish me, but I guarantee I will withstand it and punish you into submission. I have been through more than you and survived it and will continue to do so. Why do you have a way on the poor anyways? You yourself were poor once.
            Instead it would be better to help the poor get on their feet so they can be productive members of society for those who are not disabled. A great program that is working in other states and saving those states money is putting housing first. They get the homeless into homes with a case manager and get them onto their feet with services as well as other services. It helps get them off the street and back to work in many cases. Or even to better jobs.
            And the evidence is in mr governor raising taxes on the rich actually does help the economy. As does raising the minimum wage. Stop standing in the way of it. And wages across the board need to go up. It is time the rich started paying their employees what they are worth. There can be inflation checks put in to balance out all the wages as well so everyone is getting a fair shake without prices going crazy. It is time to start helping the people of Maine and stop acting like a tyrannical dictator.
            I’ll get off my soap box now and I will post a throwback piece on email later to balance the scales. But for now feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want my columns to appear in your email enter your email address below where it says to follow by email. As for me I am going to go relax for a little bit before getting back to work. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the living room. *  

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