I’ve been on the warpath lately and
that is not about to stop today. The wind got word to me that three little
girls at Ocean Avenue Elementary School are being bullied badly. And it seems
the administration is keen to blame the victims for being bullied in the first
place and for fighting back.
Will someone please take the dunce
caps the administration is obviously wearing off them so they can think like
the intelligent people they are supposed to be acting like. These girls are
being bitten, scratched, and hit on the bus so bad that one of them had to
knock one of the attackers out in self-defense. The school’s response is to
treat her like the attacker and have her secretly surveilled. Having a teacher follow her everywhere
isolating her.
One of the other girls is so
terrified by the bus experience that she won’t even ride the bus anymore. Her
parents have to drive her to school every day. Where she is still attacked
along with the other two. Yet we hear all this talk about cracking down on
bullying. And I agree we need to crack down on bullying as a former victim of
bullying myself. But we need to do it in the right way. And one of the wrong
ways of doing it is by blaming the victims when they fight back and stand up
for themselves.
It used to be when a kid got bad
grades or did something wrong we held the parents accountable as well as the
kid. Now the parents get away with just passing it off on the teachers as if
they are the ones who are supposed to do the parenting. And that is just wrong.
Parents are supposed to raise their kids not to be bullies and to get good
grades. And when there is a problem they should be held accountable. And yes I
know all you parents have hard working jobs but your first and foremost job is
being a parent to your children.
And I know there are some good
parents that need help with their kids, but are afraid to ask for help. Don’t
be afraid to seek out the assistance you need. It’s as near as 211.org.
They can hook you up with social workers, case managers, counselors, and more. You
just navigate the site to the local Maine one and search for the service you
need. We’ve all been influenced from previous generations it is time to end the
cycle of bullying now.
It wasn’t good back then and it is
not good now. For anyone bully or the person being bullied. It is unhealthy for
both. So it is time for the administration to step up and hold parents
accountable. And it is time for parents to step up and be parents and stop
shrugging it off onto the school. And that doesn’t mean one against the other.
It means work together to solve the problem. That is where the best solution
can be found.
When a kid knows they can’t get away
with acting up at school or home they change their behavior. It is time to stop
blaming the victims who fight back and start going after the actual bullies.
And hold the parents accountable till they come around and are willing to work
with the school to change the behavior of their children. Isolation just makes
things worse in either case. It takes the whole community to solve the problem.
Now that I have given you my two
cents let’s see if you do the right thing. But for now you can leave your comments
and questions below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter
your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I
have other work to get to. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *
More needs to be down and I am sad that the administration has failed them. Wow!