Friday, March 25, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Portland, Maine After 1 AM

            I know I am running way behind with the Throwback Thursday, but it has been a long day. Had to sort some stuff out with school and it took a little longer than I anticipated. But I am still here for Throwback Thursday. And today we are looking at the beat I might choose to cover as a reporter for the Portland Press Herald. And most people would think that the city is pretty hopping all night long, but I have been walking through the city after 1 AM.
            It’s quiet outside the bar district for the most part. Like a ghost town in general. Though you can feel the city pulse under your feet like a living breathing entity. Business front and restaurant fronts look different than they do during the day. They seem lifeless as if all the energy have been drained from them that was there during the day. The streets are eerily quiet. No cars or buses rushing up and down them.
            No hustle and bustle like during the day. No planes flying overhead heading for the airport. No sirens of emergency vehicles for the most part though you might hear one on the distance from time to time. Traffic lights flashing yellow or red instead of changing like they normally do. Being able to take your time and take it all in instead of having to go with the flow of pedestrian traffic. The Portland Public Library looking dark and uninviting.
            The only thing open really being convenience stores with limited selection. The clerks usually pretty friendly, most likely happy for any human contact after hours of boredom. You can usually chat one up and find out a bit about the neighborhood you are in. Hangout for a bit and have a pretty decent time as long as you don’t appear too shady. But you have to understand on an overnight shift you tend to be a bit edgy other than for the regulars.
            There are a few places at this time of night where with it being low enough in light that you can get a good view of the stars. And it is a wondrous sight. Though not as wondrous as if you see it in the country where there is even less light. But most of my time used to be spend at the Cumberland Farms on Pine St. when my friend worked there. I would stay up all night with him and drink coffee and talk about everything under the son. As well as help with the newspapers when they came in.
            In the morning he might toss me a pack of smokes which helped me out greatly. I’d go home and sleep and do it all over again the next night. I enjoyed it a lot. I learned a lot from him as well. And got to hear a lot of good music and stories from the regulars that came through. Every store has their cast of characters. Each store could make their own version of a movie about clerks. Showing the interesting characters that walk through the door every day.
            I wish I could have days like that still, but things have changed up at that store. It has gotten stricter and locked down. I can’t blame them after getting robbed on an overnight. But I wish there was a place to go to hangout overnight for those who are nocturnal like me. I mean don’t get me wrong I like being able to connect with my friends online at night but it would be nice to have a place to go hangout with them face to face in the middle of the night. Maybe someday something will happen.
            But alas for now I must go I have some more studying to do before the sun rises much higher. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says to follow by email. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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