I know I have been away for a couple
of days and I do apologize for that. I’ve just been stuck in a rut of sleeping
and writer’s block. Been trying to work on a rant but can’t seem to find the
right words for it. Heck I’ve got to kick my butt into gear today and get a ton
of school work done today as well. Most of it I have outlined in my mind at the
very least. It’s one of those times where I feel like there is a big weight
dropped on me and I have to get out from under it.
And at first it seems hard if not
almost impossible. But gradually it gets easier and easier. Especially when
listening to Bill Clinton’s Autobiography. I just find it extremely inspiring. And
after some sleep and coffee and Arizona Iced Tea I am feeling much refreshed.
And before I forget Happy Easter to everyone. I think part of my problem is end
of the term burn out. But I have to push on and rise to the challenge.
I can’t stop now when I am so close.
I know classes are going to get harder and I have to rise to the challenge. I
know I am good enough and smart enough to be where I am. Sometimes it just gets
a bit overwhelming though with everything else I want to be doing. But I know
with the degree I am after I can do so much more than without it. And I know I
can get it. Life knocked me down this past week with how I was feeling.
Now it is time to get up and punch
life in the face and knock it down like it did me for the knockout. As Rocky
said in Rocky Balboa, “It ain’t about
how hard you hit it is about how many time you can get knocked down and get
back up.” One thing I know is I can keep getting up because I have been knocked
down a lot of times and I keep getting up every time. I refuse to stay down and
give up. It just is not in my being to give up.
I know I’ve
been living unhealthy, but to be told my ideas are too ambitious for getting
healthy are not going to help either. Instead ease into it more and try
suggesting I do something else on a more regular basis with the gym on a
limited basis. And telling me I am addicted to sugary drinks since everything
has sugar in it even juice just strikes me as wrong. I mean there are a difference
in the types of sugar in my mind.
I’m still going to try and get
healthy and push myself. I’m working on prying myself out of my bedroom and
being productive outside of there. At least when I am not under pressure to get
stuff done. I have to learn to do it so that I can put all of my apartment to
use. I mean honestly I don’t like half of my apartment being a ghost town. But
I want to be productive too and I have to balance it the right way.
And I’ll be honest I’ve gotten
comfortable in my ways, so it will hurt when I push against them. But I am
going to have to accept that pain and deal with it. Though I can minimize it as
much as possible. It will be one heck of a journey but it is one I have to
take. I’ve got to do something since I am not heading in a good direction
otherwise. I might ask my dad to join me if he is up to it. I know he works
hard all week long.
But it would be a way for us to
spend time together every week. And it would help his health. On another note I
have read a couple of chapters in Kim Harrison’s The Drafter and so far it is really good. Though as I said I have
only read a couple of chapters. And speaking on world events I understand
people being afraid I really do but don’t let it rule you that is what the
terrorists want. If they get you to live in constant fear, then they win.
I do hope everyone has had a Happy
Easter. Feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want
my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below
where it says to follow by email. As for me I have to get to work on studying
after a slight deviation. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *
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