Friday, March 18, 2016

Rambling Friday: Someone Pass The Coffee Please

            Well I finally got the coffee and it had been a sleepy day for me. But then I caught wind of the Pfizer deal and once more I am on the warpath.  I didn’t say anything when Burger King went to Canada but it is starting to get ridiculous. It’s like yes America we’ll take your money but we won’t pay our fair share in taxes like everyone else has to. Now that to me is just Unpatriotic. It’s been grinding my gears for a while now.
            And yeah I know my computer was foreign made, but the company is still based in the United States paying some percentage of taxes. It used to be companies were proud to be American Made and were willing to pay their fair share of taxes to pay for things to run smooth in the country. But now greed has overtaken them instead of civic responsibility. But they are afraid of their employees being paid a living wage when they have depended on the welfare system all these years to pay what they don’t.
            They along with most people forgot that when the minimum wage was put into effect it was meant to be a living wage. And any company that could not do business under it deserved to go out of business according to Eisenhower. The rich are extremely afraid that they are about to have to treat American Workers like they should have been all along. Instead of like the disposable labor they have been treating them like over the past 30 or so years.
            On top of that they are afraid they are about to run out of loopholes to avoid paying their fair share in taxes. Which under Roosevelt was twice as high if not more so. They fail to see the great Spider-Man line that with great power comes great responsibility. And by taking care of the citizens of this country you are rewarded with them buying more of your products as well as listening more to your opinion.
            Plus, things are put up in memory of you. It is a matter of give and take between you and the American People. But you seem to have gotten so greedy that you don’t want to do your part anymore. You want more and more and you say to heck with the people. Well now it has gotten to a point where the people are not taking it anymore and you have to suffer the consequences no matter where you hide.
            And yes people are asking for healthcare and advanced education like the rest of the world has. Maybe not exactly as they have but we are tired of being taken advantage of by the pharmaceutical industry for one. And for another we are tired of leaving college in debt for jobs you say we need these degrees to fill. We aren’t all gifted with a silver spoon in our mouth and could use a hand up sometimes.
            I know most people would rather be at work than not at work. There are always going to be a few who you point to and try to make it seem like that is the majority. You try again and again to divide the American People for your own benefit but people are starting to see through your games. They are coming together to take back power. And no matter where you go in the world justice will be done to you.
            I’ll get off my soap box for now. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. And if you want my columns to post in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I might do a little reading I’m not sure really. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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