Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tuesday Coffee: How The New Year Is Starting Out

            Well the new year is here and it has been an alright start to it. I’ve still had sleeping issues but been working on it more. Healing from a pulled muscle is part of it and motivation is up. Working on drawing some lines on when I got to bed though sometimes I am just not tired so it makes it hard to do. But I am trucking along and determined to stick to my New Year’s Resolutions. I’m counting down the days till I quit smoking and working to find people to go to the gym with so I can get in there sooner.
            Especially since it may be a while before my mom can get to the gym depending on what her doctor says tomorrow. I’m saying a prayer that it is good news and at the same time keeping my fingers crossed. It took both of us a long time to get to this point and I want us to cross that threshold together to getting healthier. We both have wanted it for so long and both deserve it. We are both worth it and will get it. Even with a pulled chest muscle I am not turning back from it. I am all engines forward go.
            Nothing is holding me back this year. This is the year I get healthy and get right on track with everything. It is definitely going to be a new experience for me, but one I look forward to with open arms. And I wonder what new memories I will make this year and what new people I will meet. It has been exciting and interesting the past few years with all the new people I have met. Not all of them have been the best for me but they have been interesting.
            School is starting back up and I am looking forward to it though still behind by one paper. But I am working as hard as I can to get that one paper made up. Just such a pain to do. Once I can get to the actual paper it will flow so fat I am sure of it. The actual papers always seem to flow from me so easily. I’m not sure what it is about me and writing papers or writing in general. But the words just seem to flow through me as if I am just a conduit for them.
            It’s like the images in my head turn to words and flow through me so naturally. It amazes me even to this day. And it is energizing and refreshing to me. It is part of my love of writing. When I am writing it is like I am on a whole other plain of existence. Like I am not even here. But in a good way. It’s similar yet different from when I am reading. Since when I am reading I tend to tune out everyone as well. I’m not sure what it is that causes it but it is exhilarating.
            Now I know posts have been off as the new year has come in. And I am working on getting my groove back on as I am catching up in class. So bear with me as I take care of my school work first and get back to posting daily like I was. Just a few other things are taking precedent first. I’m not trying to leave you in the dark at all. It’s just my main focus has to be school first for right now till I get my Master’s Degree. I will be getting things back to as normal as possible as soon as possible. Just please bear with me.
            I will do my best to post daily from now on no guarantees though. But for now I have to get back to studying and hopefully get caught up today before or shortly after I get my stop smoking medicine. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. And if you want my posts to show up in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says follow by email. I hope everyone is having a good start to the new year. But alas for now I have to go and get back to studying. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the study. *

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