Friday, January 15, 2016

Rambling Friday: Nightmares Just Before Starting The Journey To Being Smoke Free

            It’s been a hell of a night and day so far. Had a nightmare last night. It was like something out of an Edgar Allen Poe story. In it I was having a complete mental breakdown. I woke up freaked out from it. I needed a couple of smokes just to calm down. I’ll definitely be discussing this one with my counselor later today. Especially since I just can’t seem to just shake it off like others I have had before. Most nightmares I can just shake off. But not this one for some reason.
            And on top of that I am having some form of writer’s block when it comes to writing my report on Islam and Hinduism. Every time I open the document and try to work on it the words come out like clunky blocks that don’t feel like me. The words don’t feel like they are flowing like water like when I normally write. Like a smooth flowing stream. And I keep trying to figure out how to get them to work that way. But nothing has seemed to work right yet.
            Maybe the problem is my perspective is tainted because I grew up with Muslims, so I see how it is a peaceful religion here. And at the same time I find Hinduism fascinating in much of it’s culture. Maybe it is just I am trying to write it too formal and should try writing it more relaxed. And just get the report written and then go back and put in the citations where I can. Seems to be what keeps beating me over the head lately, and last night before I had the nightmare.
            Plus, I really don’t want it to have a dull or boring tone to it. I’d rather it sounds like something you would read or see on National Geographic. I think in the end I may just have to do it my way and accept the consequences. After all I have to be able to live with the work I do. I have to be able to look at something with my name on it and be proud of it as well as be able to defend it from critics. I don’t mean break all the rules but just write it as I see best and go from there. I have to stop stressing over the grade and start worrying more about whether or not it meets my standards first and foremost.
            And I know you are not supposed to edit as you write a first draft. But even when I am writing the blog post in the morning and sometimes a bit later I edit as I write so it comes out as I want it to. It is just my style of writing. And as I sit here and think of those two paragraphs I have written I know they are junk and that they have got to go. And that I have to start over once more. I know not what any writer wants to face or student for that matter. Especially on an overdue paper. But I have to face the fact that it does not meet my standards at this point.
            And meeting my standards is far more important than what the professor thinks as I am writing the rough draft of this paper. That part comes later. And to some this might sound weird but maybe another writer will understand. But I think half my problem was I needed to sit myself down and have this conversation with myself. Somehow as I have gone further with this I feel more empowered and more confident that I can do it. Call me crazy if you want but it works for me.
            On a side note I have started the journey to being tobacco free. I started Chantix this morning. So far it is working fairly well, but the true test comes in three days when we have to stop smoking altogether. But I am smoking less already. So wish me luck please. As always feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want my posts to appear in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am off to write my paper. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the study. *

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