Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sunday Coffee: Reader Pep Talk

            I’m back again. Finally finished that paper. It was a pain in the butt, but it is done now. I’m still having issues with cravings but not as bad now. Something finally clicked in my system to make it easier on me. At least for the moment. I can’t speak for tomorrow. All I can do is wait and see. But so far so good.  Just got my paper back after taking a nap as well. Did good overall and got a compliment from the professor. Only problem is I have to annotate all my sources at the end of the paper. Though I am not giving into despair since there is a light at the end of the tunnel with the end of this term coming up.
            Since the big announcement to the world is less than a couple of weeks away so trying to get key people where they need to be. And I know others will follow once I make the announcement. I know I am taking a risk doing this, but dreams are built on taking risks. And I know my readers our there have dreams as well. I also know some of them are in college still. But that doesn’t mean you can’t work on building your dreams at the same time.
            Even if it is just little steps to getting to where you want to go. That is still progress. For example, some of you I suspect are in college for Graphic Design. You are practicing your drawings and arrangements as well as building web pages. Maybe even doing it for a little money for friends even. And that is progress towards what you want to do for a career and who knows what else. Another example, is those of you in college for Creative Writing. You are practicing your craft every day. Honing it to be better and better and submitting to various places and maybe even making some money off of it as you perfect your craft.
            Everyone has some great dream they are striving for. You just have to keep working towards it. Sometimes it requires more education. Other times it requires taking a risk and working hard at it to make the risk pay off. Sometimes you just have to work hard to acquire a skill set. No matter what it is it takes time to get to a dream or at the very least a happy place close to the dream. And being happy is the most important thing with whatever you have for a career.
            After all who wants to walk into work every day for the rest of their career hating it? Wouldn’t you much rather walk into work every day looking forward to it? I know I would. It’s just healthier both physically and mentally to be in a work environment that you are happy to be in. And that is just basic common sense. And even though it is common sense they keep having to go and prove it with study after study. At what point is the point proven is my question?
            But to those of you working on your dreams I know it can be hard at times but hang in there. Keep believing in your dreams and working on them. Keep having fun with the work you are doing. And sharing it with the world. It takes a lot of hard work to get where you are going. Even I am not sure where that is but you will know it when you get there. And you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labors then. And still be able to look forward to going to work every day if not more so.
            Hopefully you enjoyed my little pep talk. Feel free to leave questions and comments below as always. If you want my posts to appear in your inbox just enter your email in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I have some more writing to do that needs doing. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the study. *

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