Thursday, January 14, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Deadlines In School And Work

            Wait, where did the rest of the week go? Last I knew it was Monday and now all of a sudden it is Thursday. I swear it seems I have slept the week away practically. But now I have to get my butt in gear and get this already late paper done. As well as figure out who is on board for this magazine I want to get off the ground. Not to mention I have other assignments to do for the week, and a book to finish by Monday if I have my way about. Seems like deadlines are popping up at record pace lately.
            Though you may have noticed lately that I have been having problems with deadlines in school. Ironically I’ve actually been doing better with deadlines and homework than I used to in school. It used to be I didn’t do homework at all and that I only worked on projects when I was given class time to work on them. Then I got a bit better and did projects at the last minute in middle school though still slacked off on the rest of homework for the most part.
            Though when I first got into high school in Gorham I did great with homework due to the teachers giving a care about my side projects, and being socially isolated. That was probably when I did best with deadlines when it came to school. I also got extremely depressed towards the end of that due to the social isolation. But when I got to Portland I had too much freedom and deadlines went right out the window. As did school all together pretty much.
            Now being 16 years removed from high school and having been in college for a while I am still working on getting the hang of deadlines and finally getting the hang of it. Though some things are still a challenge to me. But for the most part I should be able to hit my deadlines. I still have to worry about health complications, but I am determined to find a way around them as well now. I think it is just I never saw anything in schooling other than a grade. Since I wasn’t being paid for the work I was doing in school.
            I mean since anytime I have ever had to work I have made my deadline. Not once when I was being paid have I been late on getting my job done. Unfortunately, my last job was like over ten years ago so it doesn’t help my resume. I think the difference between work and school is I see myself getting something tangible in return for my effort with work versus school. I mean I know I am getting skills in school don’t get me wrong. But deadlines seem to always matter to me more in work than school.
            Though I am working on changing my thinking as fast as I can and getting there. It just takes time. And change is hard with me. And I know I am probably frustrating people, but honestly I am trying. And I keep trying every day. And to be honest sometimes it gets frustrating, but I refuse to give up. I see people with so much more on their plate than me succeeding and it inspires me to keep trying. And provide a role model for me as well. And yes I have someone in mind as I type this and they know who they are.
            I’m just going to do my best at getting better and better at meeting deadlines. Eventually it will click in school as well as work. But I better get to work on that overdue paper and get it done before it is another day late. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. And as always if you want my posts to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. I’ll be back tomorrow but for now I have to get to work. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the study. *

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