Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday Coffee: Scammers And Other Adventures This Week

            Yes, finally I return after what seems like a week to me. And it has been a crazy week indeed. From having a scammer call up claiming to be the IRS and threatening to sue me. To getting my first deadline of the new year done on time. But I am just rolling with the punches that life is throwing at me. And as I am writing this I’m listening to the education podcasts from NPR. So some of those ideas might make it into this post as well.
            The week is not over yet either. I still have a rough draft of a major paper to have in on Sunday at the latest. I’m not worried about it though. I know the words will come and flow as always. Writer’s Block has never been a problem for me really. When I need the words truly they come to me. It’s like they know when the time is more urgent or needed. I know that probably sounds weird but it is the best I can explain it.
            But I might not have that connection to words if like some kids today I showed up to class hungry and sleep deprived. That is why having homeless shelters for them where they can sleep and free breakfast for them in the morning as well as free lunches is so important. Along with food pantries to give out food for them. On top of that we need social workers that work with them and their families to try and help get them into better situations. As well as mentors stepping forward to help them towards their dreams.
            And I know that is a lot to ask of tax payers, but helping these kids and their families onto their feet gets them back into being contributors. As well as helping the kids themselves aspire to greater heights. And being bigger contributors to society.  Along with boosting their self-esteem and pushing them to newer heights than they ever dreamed of aspiring too. This is our next generation of workers and thinkers we are talking about. If we want them to be the best they can be we have to heavily invest in them now. You get what you pay for after all is the old saying.
            We can’t just throw them into the world unprepared and without having been built up expecting miracles from them. You can use some of the staff positions at the shelter and food pantry for community service hours possibly. That would offset the cost a bit and help give some of the more well off students a better look at the problem of homelessness in the real world. And it might foster some understanding between fellow students about things and help bring about more help for poorer families that wasn’t there before.
            The other thing that needs to be done is giving kids back their recess and maybe even increasing it a bit. Since psychologists are saying it helps them retain information better. And maybe adapt it a bit going up through high school. With a tabletop time between every couple of classes. Give the brain a bit of happy thinking time for some. And for others a bit of Physical Education every couple of classes. But fun type stuff not running laps and stuff like that.
            Just a few thoughts on my mind today. Let me know what you think or if you have questions put them down below. And if you want to have my posts show up in your inbox everyday put your email address in the box below where it says to follow me by email. As for me, well I have a project to get to work on. It won’t be out anytime soon, but I’ll keep you posted as it gets running. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study. *

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