Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday Beginnings: The Gears Are Starting To Turn

            Happy Monday, I hope your week is off to a great start like mine is. Well, great may be an over exaggeration. But it is at least off to a good start. The gears are starting to turn on a number of things. I’m getting back into my habit of reading and reorganizing my To Do List. Plus, I am taking my first steps into hopefully launching a magazine. I’m not going to try and get the first issue out this year though. Instead we will be looking at trying to launch next year if the pieces keep falling together right.
            My aim with the magazine is to cover Politics, Literature, Music, History, Science, and publish short stories as well. I know that is a lot, but I think with the right writers on board it can be done. I am to take a balanced approach to all the topics presenting the facts as best as can be done. Though some will be more opinionated such as Literature, Music, and History. But we will try to keep it balanced with showing alternative views to those presented as well.
            On top of that my blog will be changing in appearance and taking on more of a webpage look over the next few weeks if all goes according to plan. This is not being done on a whim either. This has been in the works for a while now and was merely being put off. But I finally decided there is no time like the present to do it. My blog will still be at the center of the page but you will also be able to find out more about me in general as well as works I am featured in. Along with appearances I might be making, and more.
            It’s not that I am unhappy with my blog. It’s just that it is type to give it a more professional look to it. As well as expand it more in a sense. I’m moving forward in my career after all and I want to take you all with me. I’ll try to make it happen in stages and there might be a change in the address possibly so bear with me. I will keep you posted through it all as best as I can. Especially if the address will be changing.
            I’m hoping to have a book review out next week, been trying to get this one done for a while now. Just between school and working on writing projects it has taken me a while to do. And no I’m not giving hints as to the book it will be on. You will just have to wait and find out on your own when it happens. But I can assure you it will be well worth the wait. I also have a few more trucks up my sleeve for the future but you will have to wait for them to materialize.
            And I will be continuing to talk about issues pertaining to this election as we get closer to election day. Because it is important and the issues need discussing. And I’m not afraid to get up on my soapbox. And I will say my part and welcome your feedback and sometimes it will make me rethink my stance. Other times it won’t but that is how sharing ideas works. But for now I need a nap.  So as always feel free to leave comments and questions below. And if you want my posts to show up in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where is says follow by email. As for me I am off to dreamland. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the bedroom. *

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