Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday Coffee: Nothing Like Running Into An Old Friend

            So I wake up from one of my many naps today and manage to run into my longtime friend, Jamie, and we start talking and just having a good time. We’re still chatting as I am starting this post out so it might be a while before I finish the post, but no big deal. Sometimes you just need to run into an old friend to get the day off to that right start. It just puts the day into an upbeat tempo right from the start. Even if after the chat you end up taking a nap, it still sets the tempo of the day to be upbeat.
            Much like the mail did for me the other day, when I got my first issue of National Geographic History magazine. Getting that magazine in the mail perked my day right up. I’m hoping to be getting my first two issues of National Geographic Magazine for the year in the mail soon. I don’t think we ever get tired of receiving stuff in the mail. It is just the type of stuff we get sick of receiving. After all, no one really likes bills or junk mail much when they are going through the mail. Well except catalogues, for some reason most of us like looking at them.
            And then as I am writing this now my friend, Laura, messaged me and we started talking. And so the post might get up late. But for the first time in a couple of years I am daring to trust again. Letting someone else see how vulnerable I can be. And that doesn’t come easy. But I’m finding when I trust my gut on it that it is worth it. But sometimes it is hard especially having been down the roads I have been down.
            Though today has been a good day overall with me feeling like I have actually gotten something done besides this post. After all, I got to have two long discussions with old friends. And I got my calendar in order for at least this next week and hopefully next term. I got caught up on the news and did some other reading. Posted questions in one of my book clubs and voted on the next book in another one.
            I know it doesn’t sound like much to some. But since I started down the path to quit smoking it is the first time I have felt like I accomplished something in a long time. I know I have accomplished things before now, but I just haven’t felt like I did before now. Weird I know but then again I am weird and not ashamed to admit it. I mean there are not many other guys that I know who like Brussel Sprouts, with or without butter. Personally I prefer them with a nice butter sauce, sweetens them up that way.
            But it has also been a good day getting to kick back and relax a bit and talk to old friends at the same time as getting something done. Sure this post is a bit late in getting up. But I wouldn’t trade it getting up on time for what I went through today. Plus, I’m looking into a way to let more sunlight into my place without being snooped on. It’s a special kind of shade that blocks out people looking in below, while at the same time letting in sunlight from above.
            Tim found it for me the other day while surfing the internet. I think it’s pretty cool, and that it’s just what I need. But it is getting late so like always feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you want my posts to show up in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I’ve got some reading to catch up on. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the library. *

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Saturday Thoughts: Just Random Thoughts As I Work On Finding My Focus Again

            I’m still working on finding my focus again like I had it before I went on this journey to quit smoking. Some days are better than others, but in general I am lost and working on finding myself again. And trust me that is hard to admit at this stage in the game of life. But I know I will rediscover myself once more outside of smoking even as it was a big part of my life for 16 years. The key word there is was. It can’t be anymore not if I am going to life a nice long healthy life.
            And while yes, I am getting into exercising I still have to watch my diet. Something you don’t expect many 34 year olds to say. And it’s not forever just while I lose the weight I have accumulated over the years. Then I can be a little freer with my eating once more. Especially as I keep up with my exercise. But for like the past 5 years I have been eating the same thing and I have tried to change it up a little bit here and there. I just have to face it that I have to learn some new recipes and get some new tools in the house.
            As well as a few new ingredients. I have a couple things in mind to try soon. Just a matter of getting the money. A lot of the dishes I want to try are slow cooker dishes, which would be a big change from how we have been eating. And maybe a few make your own Italian nights. Just thinking off the top of my head right now. I just know right now I am in a food rut and I need to get out of it. Sure the cooking is simple but it gets boring after a while to the taste buds.
            Then I end up turning to eating out, which isn’t good for me on a regular basis or for anyone on a regular basis for that matter. So I’ve got to work within my means to make a change. I’m finding I’m a little pickier about meat and a little more drawn to seafood though that can be expensive. I still like my red meat don’t get me wrong but I am finding myself wanting a more diverse diet. And wanting more vegetables in it.
            I’m not turning into a vegetarian. I’ve just always enjoyed my veggies. As well as my fruits along with them. They do make a tasty snack after all. Only problem is they only stay fresh for so long and most people (including me) don’t want to make multiple trips to the store every month. At least once you have gotten into a routine of going grocery shopping once a month for so long. But eventually I will have to get into the habit of going grocery shopping every week.
            So might as well start shifting my diet in that direction a bit now. Though I am holding off till I eventually move on stocking a full pantry. Less to move that way. But some things need to be stocked up before then like spices, which is being worked on. Along with other things to help make the kitchen more user friendly. But like with all things it takes a little bit of time. But it will get done with a lot of work and a little bit of determination.
            Great now I am craving a salad. Never a good thing when you are broke. Ah well, money comes in soon and I will get my salad then. As always feel free to leave question and comments below. And if you want my posts to appear in your inbox enter your email in the box below where it says follow by email. As for me I am off to see what I can whip up for dinner. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading towards the kitchen. *

Friday, January 29, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Me And Time Management

            You know the one problem I am having with the whole quitting smoking thing is figuring out what to do with myself at times. It’s like I am just floating out in space in some ways. These are usually the times I would have a cigarette. So instead I’m stuck trying to figure out what to do with myself, and I will figure it out eventually it’s just going to take time to do so. Maybe revamping my schedule over break will help fix some of the problem as well. I hope so.
            But time management has always been a bit tricky for me. No one actually taught it to me after all. I was seemingly just expected to know it one day. And it never seemed to click all through school. I was either heavy into academics with a mild social life or heavy into social life with a mild academic life. Of course for me back then things were either black or white, there was no in between. I probably would have made a heck of a prosecutor at the rate I was going. But I digress. Over the years things have adopted more of a grey shade to me.
            Slowly but surely I have seen the greyer shades there are to life. And yet time management was still a struggle for me. I struggled with appointments putting other things I felt were more important first. I got all the priorities wrong. My social life took precedent even over going to school at all. I just started having fun and not caring about the world around me. That was all I cared about for a good six months. Then somehow I grounded myself again and ended up back at my mom’s house.
            That was no picnic either. We still had our issues and they weren’t going away. The main one was we couldn’t live together. It’s not that we don’t love each other we just get on each other’s nerves after a few days. But even back at my mom’s house I was still struggling with appointments. Though I did finally get a case manager at this point. But it was still a struggle making it to appointments.
            And would become more of a struggle as I got out on my own. Eventually I started getting the hang of appointments mostly through the use of cell phone calendars. But getting stuff done around the house was still a challenge.  I’ve gotten better with that stuff recently with help from a cleaning coach. My friend Morgana, and she is good and kicking me in the ass when I forget to do something.
            And she has been having to do it less and less since she started. As things just become natural. And I am hopeful that redoing the schedule will have the same effect on me as having Morgana come in and help me has. Something has to click eventually. I think part of the reason it is harder on me right now is because I don’t remember anyone teaching it to me as a young kid. I’m not sure why it wasn’t or if it was why I can’t remember it being taught to me.
            But I just have to move forward from this point. College isn’t going to get any easier at least that I can see. If anything it is only going to get harder. So I have to get it together now rather than later. Will that be easy? No, but it will be worth it in the long run. And speaking of things to do I have a million and one things to do to get ready for this break. As always feel free to leave questions and comments below. And if you want my posts to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says to follow by email. As for me I am off and running to accomplish more. *Tips his hat and walks out the door heading for the study. *