Thursday, March 31, 2016

Throwback Thursday: Freshman English Class

            I’m feeling pretty good today. I got a lot of school work done yesterday. So I am feeling like I am getting stuff accomplished and I plan to get more accomplished today. Just got have to get a meeting out of the way first. I’m up a little earlier than I planned to be though. Reminds me of high school when I had to be up at the crack of dawn. So I started going down memory road once more since it is Throwback Thursday.
            Specifically, I started thinking on my Freshman English Class because of the classes I am taking this term and next term. Plus, because of how my English Professor has been so supportive this term like my English Teacher was so supportive back then, which makes me feel bad for not being able to do better in her class so far this term. It’s a difficult form of writing for me is all. Though I keep trying to do it right. But my Professor makes me want to work hard for her like my English Teacher did back then.
            Though with my English Teacher it was a bit different. She would look over every story I brought in and edit it for me. Provided I had done all my homework of course. This made me want to work hard for her. And sometimes I overdid it, but she never complained about that. Just reminded me to review what I had already red and limit it to that for essays and such. She also encouraged me to read something else in place of the reading, which I did since I was a bookworm back then.
            She helped foster my love of writing in its early years maybe you could call it the toddler years. She let it take its own course and shape itself. I think she knew I would end up a writer and that it would work out eventually. I hope she knows what a positive influence she had on me back then. I am sure I was a pain in the butt with all the stories I brought in as well as asking for other classics to read on top of what I was reading already.
            But back then once I hooked into a genre I obsessed over it and tried to get as much of it as I could. I’ve since changed a bit and more follow certain authors though keep my eyes open for things to pop into my reading list from people I have never read though. My library is ever growing and expanding. Some would be surprised at what is in my collection now compared to back then. But our tastes change over time.
            As for my Freshman English Teacher I hope she would be proud of both the reader and writer I have turned into. Although I think she wouldn’t be surprised that commas still give me a problem as they did back then. Those things are tricky to deal with for me what can I say. But, I am slowly getting better with them as I progress through college. Just taking a little bit of time is all. Eventually I will master them or at least get close to it I think.
            This walk down memory lane has got me inspired to do some more work. So feel free to leave your comments and questions below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box blow where it says follow by email. As for me I have some studying to do and a meeting to attend. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday Coffee: An Open Letter To Angry And Disenfranchised Muslims

            I know many of you are like what is this all about. And to that I say people have to start talking to Muslims who are angry and disenfranchised and might join ISIS. Or are just angry and disenfranchised in general. Someone has to open a line of communication in general. And yes I know the risk I am taking. But I grew up with Muslims and the people I grew up with are not these people I see on the news. Granted some people who are Muslim can have a temper like anyone else.
            But if there has been an injustice to a Muslim or anyone I am willing to hear them out and probably will share their story here. I am not for Sharia Law I will say that up front. But if people are angry and disenfranchised I encourage them to write blogs and protest peacefully. It does work in America. You don’t have to be violent to get your point across no matter what some will try to fill your head with. But you also have to be willing to accept that not everyone is going to agree with your ideas.
            This country was built on compromise and blending of cultures. It is not meant to be all about one culture dominating another despite what some may think. And to correct one candidate’s idea (not naming names), but isolating and patrolling Muslim neighborhoods is not the answer. The answer is as I see it bringing the Muslim population more into things so they are feeling more welcome and more a part of the country.
            Then they are willing to participate and help more. Isolating them just makes them feel like we don’t value them at all and will make more angry people and more potential terrorists. Does that mean every mad Muslim will become a terrorist of course not? Just that there is a possibility there. Just like if I get behind the wheel there is a good chance I will do something stupid so I don’t get behind the wheel.
            We need to talk to Muslims more and you reading this need to talk to us more as well. We are not mind readers despite what some people think. And despite what you are told we are pretty reasonable. Well most of us there are some that aren’t but you get that in every bunch. There are always some people that don’ get what you do or say they are always going to dislike you. Ignore them we try to except when they really screw up and cross the line. Then we have to punish them like the bad boys and girls they can be.
            I am sure I have done my share of wrong things in the past and for that I am sorry. Though I am not planning to convert anytime soon, but I do find your religion to be a peaceful one despite how some would warp it in their own grab for power. They would use you as mere pawns and cannon fodder in their plans, but you are a human being and more valuable than that to the world. I do have a serious question for you though. What is more important a world ruled in Sharia Law or a world at peace with understanding with each other?
            I’m climbing down off my soap box for now. Feel free to leave comments and questions below. And if you want my column to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says to follow by email. As for me I am off to study something I encourage everyone to do in or out of school. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

Monday, March 28, 2016

Sunday Chit Chat: Feeling Stuck

            I know I have been away for a couple of days and I do apologize for that. I’ve just been stuck in a rut of sleeping and writer’s block. Been trying to work on a rant but can’t seem to find the right words for it. Heck I’ve got to kick my butt into gear today and get a ton of school work done today as well. Most of it I have outlined in my mind at the very least. It’s one of those times where I feel like there is a big weight dropped on me and I have to get out from under it.
            And at first it seems hard if not almost impossible. But gradually it gets easier and easier. Especially when listening to Bill Clinton’s Autobiography. I just find it extremely inspiring. And after some sleep and coffee and Arizona Iced Tea I am feeling much refreshed. And before I forget Happy Easter to everyone. I think part of my problem is end of the term burn out. But I have to push on and rise to the challenge.
            I can’t stop now when I am so close. I know classes are going to get harder and I have to rise to the challenge. I know I am good enough and smart enough to be where I am. Sometimes it just gets a bit overwhelming though with everything else I want to be doing. But I know with the degree I am after I can do so much more than without it. And I know I can get it. Life knocked me down this past week with how I was feeling.
            Now it is time to get up and punch life in the face and knock it down like it did me for the knockout. As Rocky said in Rocky Balboa, “It ain’t about how hard you hit it is about how many time you can get knocked down and get back up.” One thing I know is I can keep getting up because I have been knocked down a lot of times and I keep getting up every time. I refuse to stay down and give up. It just is not in my being to give up.
            I know I’ve been living unhealthy, but to be told my ideas are too ambitious for getting healthy are not going to help either. Instead ease into it more and try suggesting I do something else on a more regular basis with the gym on a limited basis. And telling me I am addicted to sugary drinks since everything has sugar in it even juice just strikes me as wrong. I mean there are a difference in the types of sugar in my mind.
            I’m still going to try and get healthy and push myself. I’m working on prying myself out of my bedroom and being productive outside of there. At least when I am not under pressure to get stuff done. I have to learn to do it so that I can put all of my apartment to use. I mean honestly I don’t like half of my apartment being a ghost town. But I want to be productive too and I have to balance it the right way.
            And I’ll be honest I’ve gotten comfortable in my ways, so it will hurt when I push against them. But I am going to have to accept that pain and deal with it. Though I can minimize it as much as possible. It will be one heck of a journey but it is one I have to take. I’ve got to do something since I am not heading in a good direction otherwise. I might ask my dad to join me if he is up to it. I know he works hard all week long.
            But it would be a way for us to spend time together every week. And it would help his health. On another note I have read a couple of chapters in Kim Harrison’s The Drafter and so far it is really good. Though as I said I have only read a couple of chapters. And speaking on world events I understand people being afraid I really do but don’t let it rule you that is what the terrorists want. If they get you to live in constant fear, then they win.
            I do hope everyone has had a Happy Easter. Feel free to leave your questions and comments below. And if you want my columns to appear in your inbox enter your email address in the box below where it says to follow by email. As for me I have to get to work on studying after a slight deviation. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *