Thursday, August 13, 2015

Wednesday In The Library: The Washington Post

            First let me thank everyone who left comments yesterday that was a big spirit booster to me. And second I have to give a big shout out to my friend, Jeni, for cracking the whip on me to help me get a big chunk of schoolwork done last night. I’m starting to get back into my grove but it is still a work in progress. But last night was the beginning and it got me going today. Though I still slept in it wasn’t as bad as normal. I even had a cup of coffee today. Oh how I missed my coffee. Plus I read my paper today on my Kindle, which is the subject of today’s visit to the library. And it felt so good.
            As I think I mentioned in a previous post of this column I read The Washington Post, which I find to be a fairly well balanced newspaper. Though I get it digitally on my Kindle. So I don’t get all the ads that come in the paper edition. But I find the stories fairly free of bias from what I have read so far since I got my subscription. Plus I like its index style and ability to read full screen with bigger print. That feature makes it much easier on my eyes. I’ll admit I don’t read every story in the paper, but I do read a great majority of them. Even the ones that make me furious, but not as furious as watching the news on television. Somehow reading the news is not as infuriating for me as watching it. But it still gives me ideas to write about here.  And that is just from the front pages, I’m still getting acquainted with the paper.
            I can only imagine what I will find as I go deeper. I’m sure only more good stuff. As I did just find when taking a break from writing there are a ton of great articles as you delve deeper into the paper, some you will like and some you might not like. But everyone has their own tastes. Today’s comic brought a smile to me. I am sure it will make its way to Facebook soon enough. There is a bit everything from the businessman looking for what is going on the markets and among big corporations. To the casual man wondering what is going on in the entertainment world. To the academic curious about the world as a whole. From what I can see there is a section for everyone in there.
            I think I have rambled on enough for one day for now though. As for me I think I will read a few chapters in one of my much neglected books and maybe even a short story if there is enough time before getting down to the grindstone. I do have late schoolwork to get done after all. *Tips his hat and walks out the door looking for a comfy chair.*

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