Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday Insights: Just Random Throughts Going Through My Head

            Morning and sorry for being silent for the past couple of days been busy with school work and appointments. And trying to organize my thoughts as well. On top of that I’ve had writer’s block when it comes to here. Still have some residual writer’s block. Working on getting rid of it completely. Flipping through the newspaper on and off as I am writing this as well. Seeing some interesting stuff there as well. Plus I’ve been reevaluating what I want to do for a second blog as well.
            Since I have trouble being consistent with this blog it would be extremely hard to do a wrestling blog with how consistent I would have to be with that. So I figured I would do one centered on Magic: The Gathering along with other Tabletop Games. That way it would be easier on me and could allow for when I am inconsistent. It will mostly be old school stuff starting out probably but I hope to get caught up quickly. Especially since I am now subscribed to a Magic: The Gathering Crate, though it is not specifically called that. It is called Fantasy Crate to be exact. I am looking forward to getting my first shipment I hope this month.
            Also on there I might discuss some of the stuff I get from Loot Crate, but as I think about it more that will probably end up on here. Unless something in the Loot Crate is specifically for Tabletop Gaming. But looking forward to year of both of those since I already paid for them in advance. Means more stuff to help me build my decks as well as decorate my room. As well as cool shirts to wear. As you can tell I am excited.
            I’m also working towards some sort of order to how I do my reading so I get more read in a quicker fashion. But so far that is not happening any time soon I don’t think. Part of the issue might be school taking so much of my time but that is worth it so that is not going anywhere till I get my Master’s Degree. Another 5 years or so. But I am honing my craft and learning a lot of other interesting things to help me along the way too.
            And of course I keep finding new writers and series to follow as well. Plus my newspaper and magazines. I am definitely a book worm. Good thing I get most of this stuff in digital format or it would be piling up around me. This way I can read at my leisure. Plus I don’t mind lending out the physical copies I have of some of it to friends and family. Getting close to needing a third bookshelf. And yes I have that big of a collection. And I am very proud of it.
            One day I plan to have an office with wall to wall bookshelves for the most part. Plus a custom aquarium that is self-cleaning in the shape of a book. And a window overlooking either a lake or the forest. Even if it is in the basement. But my idea for the office will probably change a little but eventually. Thinking I will probably have plants in there as well. But I also want a garden outside as well. Just so I can enjoy vegetables and fruits in the summer and fall without paying an arm and a leg. Plus maybe sell a few.
            Well I have rambled on for enough for one day. So I will go for now. Feel free to leave comments below with your thoughts. I hope you have enjoyed this little peak in my mind and have a good day. For now I am off to get more coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door headed for the coffee brewer.*

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