Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Review: Mr. Mercedes

            I know I have been away for a few days and I apologize for that. But been a mix of schoolwork and feeling under the weather. I’m back at the helm again and feeling pretty good. And once more I have a review for you today. Being under the weather does give you a lot of time to read after all. Unfortunately I read my book club’s book and got way ahead of them. So now comes the tricky part of not giving anything away during the meetings coming up. Oopsy. But today is a good day I feel optimistic and confident heading into the night. I’m probably going to be doing a lot of magazine reading for a couple of weeks to try and catch up on that, but this book has be hooked on the trilogy it is part of so who knows.
            This was the first Stephen King book I have ever read cover to cover other than The Green Mile. It is titled Mr. Mercedes. It is one heck of a fast paced novel, which I wasn’t expecting from Mr. King. I am used to him being more slow and methodical. But it makes me want to look at his other books now. I think as I have gotten older I have learned to appreciate Mr. King’s writing more. But this one was really a page turned and even more so towards the end. It builds and builds like a symphony towards a crescendo.
            Mr. King crafts his characters extremely well. Making them seem like real people you could know in everyday life. He gives them traits you could relate to people you know around you, making them seem all that more real to the reader. This just draws you even further into the story as you read more and more. Making it all the harder to pause at any point in the book. I found myself finding traits of myself in several of the characters throughout the book. And he makes you really despise the villain as well. You really want to see him get it in the end right from the beginning.
            Plus the setting feels so real you can picture yourself walking down the streets or being in any of the buildings at any given time. I could smell the smells from the scenes and picture what the characters were doing and seeing throughout the book from how Mr. King wrote it so vividly. He brings the whole city to live so vividly it is amazing. Making it a living life form almost. Making things happen not just with the characters but the city as a whole. Even as the characters are working on things.
            Stephen King has created a masterpiece for the start of this trilogy. I am curious to see how he follows it up. If this is just a taste then it will be amazing. Rest assured I will be reading the rest of it for sure. Since this book alone as hooked me for the rest of the trilogy. But for this book alone I give it four out of five stars.
            I hope you enjoyed my review of Stephen King’s Mr. Mercedes. Feel free to leave comments below on what you think of it or the book itself. For now I am off to get more coffee. *Tips his hat and walks out the door towards the brewer.*

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