Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Monday Startup

    So I'm taking the week off other than Wednesday and Thursday to do some reflecting and thinking on life, which you will see here since I do my best thinking on paper. Some of it might be shocking, and some might be alarming but bear with me. I've got a lot to process over the next week and think about going forward.

    For one I was asked to think about a couple of questions. One being how do I neglect or abuse myself? The other being how do I see myself how do I see myself as not being worthy? Both have left me thinking a bit and with some answers but still searching for words to put it into perspective. Hopefully tomorrow I can start to answer them.

    And then when I do answer them I have to start building my life up in some form whether night owl or day time person or a mix of the two. But I know this I'm done letting my providers and family tell me what I have to be. I'm going to be me, and find my path in life. I'm going to do what I need to for myself.

    I know that sounds harsh, but all my life I've been bending over backwards to meet some higher authority just because they said bark. Well now I'm telling them they can kiss my ass. Life's not worth living if you can't be yourself and be happy and free. I might have to give up some of my ambitions for a while or forever along the way as I first imagined them but I can still accomplish what I wanted to with them in other ways.

    So for now I will leave you to do some thinking, and hopefully I don't come off sounding too crazy. I hope you have a good day or night depending on when you read this. Bye for now.

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