Sunday, September 14, 2014

Saturday Thoughts

    So it's been a rough week for the blog, but I plan to put up Story Friday just late. I'm looking for a writing prompt to commemorate 9/11 for this week's column. I'm also going to try and do some adjusting to my phone alarms so that I do better with the blog schedule.

I'm also adding a column on Thursdays that already exist in a sense. It will be my version of Throwback Thursday and will be pieces of my memoir as I assemble it. You my loyal readers will get the first look at it as it comes together, though the final product will be different in some ways. It will probably not be assembled the same way as the columns is published. I plan to publish the columns as they come to my mind not as they will necessarily appear in the book with the exception of the introduction of the book/column.

Also there are going to be days when there are double posts on here. One will be the column that is scheduled for that day, and then the other will be if something catches my mind. In those cases I will try to be brief, but sometimes I can't help but be long winded. I'm doing this because there have been a lot of current events that I have left out of my blog without saying anything to them, and I can't leave my voice silent any longer. Especially with election season coming up. So yes you can expect a ton of political posts, and for those not big on those type of posts bear with me. I'll try to balance it out with writing stuff and some humorous commentary on life if I can.

Another thought banging around in my head came to me as I was doing some of the reading for my weekly studies. Why is it we no longer have any magazines that run short stories on magazine stands in book stores or grocery stores? I mean seriously all I ever see is sports magazines, gun magazines, and home and garden magazines it seems. As well as news magazines I might add. Where are all the short story magazines that authors are always talking about that they used to write for? I mean there must be a few left in publication that they used to write for.

I mean I know that a lot of magazines have started offering digital editions along with their print editions and some have gone fully digital, but surely not every short story magazine is fully digital. The New Yorker can't be the only magazine left in the country that prints short stories. If so we're all in trouble since all they print is literary works. I want a magazine that prints science fiction and fantasy personally, and I'm sure there are other writers looking for other genres as well.

This gets me to thinking about something I could do for a career during college possibly, or maybe right out of college. I'd have to take a few classes for it and network with some people, and I'm not saying I'm going to do it. Just that it's an idea running around in my head. Looks like I'm making a trip to the library next week sometime, probably on Tuesday. And why do I have to go to the library you might ask? Well simple, at least in my mind. It's to see if there are any short story magazines left in print, since the library gets more magazines than you see on store shelves normally.

I just keep adding to the workload for my week next week. On top of the reboot of the blog as it's supposed to be going on schedule now I've got a research project plus school work. I swear in some ways I'm a workaholic like my dad. Go figure. I hope you've enjoyed reading this and have a good day or night depending on when you're reading this. Bye for now.

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