Friday, September 26, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Introduction

    Welcome to Throwback Thursday, this is a collection of stories that are memories from my life that will eventually make up my memoir. This week's entry is the introduction to my memoir and seems the best way to introduce the segment. So without further ado on with the show.



    You'll have to pardon me please if this starts out a bit gruff, but as I sit down to right this introduction I'm a bit upset. And writing has always been an outlet for my emotions, so get ready to go on a journey with me as I give you an overview of my life so far. So that you know what some of what I've been through and some of what you might and might not see in this memoir.

    I keep hearing this younger generation say you don't know what it's like to go through what we do, we have it so rough. And to both sexes I want to scream Bitch Please. I was isolated till I was five and got to go to school, and then I was made fun of by almost all of my peers on the playground. Which led to me getting into fights everyday on the playground. You can guess where that led me to getting send to each day. I could see kids' houses right down the street from me and they were friendly to me on the bus, but I wasn't allowed to visit them. Every time I made any friends near me I was forbidden from seeing them for one imagined reason or another. I finally made friends, but could only see them on weekends and in the summer. Then I got to middle school and rebelled and got to see my friends all the time. I went back to where I was made fun of for high school after having had girlfriends and friends and some happy memories to discover people have changed.

    I end up having a good hard working academic start to high school, and being a good student. But still isolated socially at home. I get forced into a summer job, which turns out to be pretty good, and my social life ends up staying fairly strong. Then my school life tanks because I'm forced to work while going to school at the same time so I rebelled again. Which ends up helping me get the mental health services I needed, or at least started me getting them. Along the way I still had girlfriends and friends after rebelling and friends and memories before rebelling as well. I also ended up dropping out because of all the drama.

    As an adult I tried and tried to work but couldn't in the end. Though there are some interesting stories from the few months in those years that I could work. As well as stories along my road to getting disability and on my road to college as I was recovering. All through this I had the added challenge of epilepsy and going through four mentally abusive relationships. And if not for my amazing friends and workers I probably would not be here today. I would probably be dead I'll be honest, but I've had an amazing life so far in many regards and I look forward to sharing it with you. As for the majority of the younger generation saying they have it hard look at what I've been through bitches, top that!

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