Thursday, September 25, 2014

Adventures In Cleaning: Inspection, Window Measuring, And Other Craziness

    So I know it's been awhile since I've had this column up and running full strength, but it's been a bit crazy over the past couple of weeks or so. Between school, me having emotional meltdowns, inspections, and windows having to be measured there has been little time to write it seems. Hopefully now that is going to change. The window measuring just happened yesterday so my sleeping pattern is a little thrown off still. But working on fixing that, though that might take a few days still.

    So with all this going on you're probably wondering how the cleaning is going. Well the kitchen counters have been staying fairly clean, but they could use a wipe down. Which will probably happen tomorrow night when I'm not so pressed for time. Plus I'm trying to get back on top of keeping up with the dishes. The bedroom floor is cleaned thanks to some help finishing it off. The pile of files has been chopped down and thrown into a box, but still have to be sorted. As well as filed, and now I have a potentially new filing cabinet in a drawer on my desk making it a bit more complicated in some ways.

    My new desk is together thanks to my friend, Tim, coming over and putting it together. A big thank you to him for that. And the desk has been mostly set up aside from the files, and being wired up for everything to be plugged in. That will get done in the next couple of days though. So making progress slowly, and if I get to do what I want with therapy I think it will help. So wish me luck. But I still have some chores to do before my writing meeting tonight so time is short, so I hope you enjoyed reading this and have a good night or day depending on when you're reading this. Bye for now.

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