Thursday, September 18, 2014

Off To A Rough Start This Week

    So the week didn't get off to a great start with me screwing up on Monday Review, which will be retitled Review Monday starting next week. Just sounds catchier to me. And I missed Adventures In Cleaning because I was too busy bonding with my fellow writers. But today will be different. I'm awake and on top of things and still amped from Tuesday night, which I will get to don't worry. And next week my new desk arrives. It has been an awesome week so far overall, even if I messed up a bit.

    And Tuesday night put me on cloud nine. I got to hang out with Kory Shrum in google hangouts, it was amazing. It was the first time I got to hang out with a celebrity author in my lifetime. I mean I get to hangout with my writer friends some of who are becoming published authors now, but it's not the same as someone you've admired as an author from afar for a while. It's like getting to meet your favorite movie star for the first time for some or TV star. And then seeing how cool and down to Earth they are. It puts you right at ease and makes it so easy to talk to them. Talking with Kory has given me more confidence as a writer, as well as shown me a lot of us writers are a like in some ways. If you ever get the chance to meet her I recommend you take it. My only regret is not taking notes so I could better share how much of an amazing person she is.

    I'm also in the process of planning out my first Throwback Thursday post after the introductory post as well. I've also started a new short story that I'll reveal more about later in the week. And me and some of my fellow students are attempting to get a newsletter started at SNHU that is completely student run. I'm not the one behind it as the driving force, but I'm heavily involved. I'll keep you updated as it progresses, but if you are an SNHU Student and interested, go on Connect. Look up Student Newsletter and get involved I'd suggest. You have nothing to lose. As for those of you not at SNHU there is talk of making it available to those not attending the college but it's only talk so far nothing concrete yet. And the bigger news just by a smidge is that I'm starting to learn resumes and such to start planning to go into the working environment in some way or form. It will mean an adjustment to my schedule, but it can be done don't worry. Oh and with October coming up I'm preparing a special little treat for my fans, especially you Horror Movie fans. I'm getting together with some of my fellow writers, who also happen to have blogs and we are doing movie reviews of sorts on Horror Movies all through October. So get ready for some Horror to rock this page through October. Plus you will get to meet some of my very good fellow writers as I link you to their blogs as well.

    So as you can see I've set up a big dish of work for myself on top of school. So please if I miss a post or fail to reply to a comment right away bear with me please. I hope you are enjoying the blog overall though so far as it continues to take shape. I'm thankful to have all of you along for the ride with me. I hope you have a good day or night depending on when you read this. Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. It was good to read your blog and it reminded me that months ago I said in our group that next week I was starting a blog, and evidently next week has not arrived yet.
