Saturday, September 6, 2014

Story Friday: My Perfect Office

    Ok so I know I'm late again, and as I said Monday you can thank my sister. She gave me Pneumonia. I'll find an email for her somewhere among this clutter I'm working on cleaning up eventually. We will have "Cleaning Adventures" back again on time next Wednesday when I'm sure to be feeling a hell of a lot better and have something to show for it. Plus this week's prompt is not a picture prompt, it's a written one from a text book in one of my classes. It's from "The Practice Of Creative Writing" in my Intro To Creative Writing course. And without further ado on with the show.

Prompt: Describe your ideal office and how and when you would use it.


It was my normal time to go down to the basement level, where the office was, around 2:30 in the afternoon. I stepped on the elevator and pushed down for the basement floor as the doors closed dinging as they shut behind me. I had been up in the gaming room as usual relaxing, but it was time to work again. So I brought the laptop with me down to the office along with a huge cup of coffee. There would be time for games later. The elevator dinged as it opened up onto the basement level facing my office. I stepped off humming to myself the song from Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs as I walked into the office. I looked around at the wall to wall bookshelves seeing if anything was out of place as I walked towards the writing desk in the corner. Seeing everything as it should be I hooked up the external hard drive and the speakers cueing up the playlist for this afternoon.

As the music began to play I looked at my to do list for the day and tried to decide if I wanted to start out with some of my reading or my writing first. It was always a hard choice for me, even though I knew it was coming every day. I figured I'd do some reading as usual to help with the transition. I combed the shelves quickly and found one of the books I was reading currently then sat down in the reading chair in the opposite corner as the writing desk with my feet propped up.

After about a half hour of reading I finally felt ready to write, and put the book down on the side table by the reading chair for the time being. I pulled out my desk chair and sat down waking the laptop up. I signed back in and decided what to start on first. Usually it was my blog. I hammered away on that for a half hour to an hour writing it, and then proofreading it before publishing it. Then it was time to get down to the nitty gritty. As usual I had several projects going at once. I'd never been able to settle on just one at a time. So now I had to figure out which one I was going to work on today. Usually I just let my muse speak to me on this one. Though sometimes she can be stubborn on giving me an answer. Finally though I picked a project to work on.

I chiseled away at it for a good hour or two not seeming to notice the time going by as I did. After that I had to stop cause of lack of coffee. For some reason I always need coffee when I write, it somehow helps me write better. So I saved one last time for the day and backed up everything on the external hard drive. Then to relax before closing up the office I went back to the reading chair and picked up the book I was reading again. I read for at least a half hour to maybe an hour to try and relax my brain a bit. Then found a good stopping place usually at the end of a chapter. I put the book away and packed up the laptop and grabbed my empty coffee cup making my way to the elevator and headed for the kitchen to get something to drink. And maybe a snack while I'm at it, since my next stop was to the game room for a few games of pool. As I tried to leave my words locked in the office as the elevator doors dinged closed behind me.

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