Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday Chit Chat: I’m Starting To Do Better But Our Country Is In Danger

            I had planned this to be a positive only post originally since I am finally starting to do better. I recovered from my anxiety attack thanks to my post earlier in the week and counseling. Then I came down with a stomach bug that I think was some sort of Flu bug. But, now my stomach is better and I am just running a slight fever. Then I read The Washington Post and I was set off once more. Seems the news lately does that. At least lately for the most part. I mean sure my local news sets me off, but I have a moron for a governor. But, we are talking the national news on a regular basis as of late.
            This time it is because unless the Republicans win the election they plan to throw a temper tantrum like no other. They plan to try to impeach Hillary Clinton as soon a she is sworn into office if she wins if they have majority of Congress still. And, if she wins they plan to hold the Supreme Court hostage and refuse to confirm a nominee until a Republican is President. They also plan to pass no legislation sent to them by the President whether it is what the people want or not. Unless the people do the Republican party’s bidding they are going to hold the country hostage.
            There is even talk of revolution in some circles. This to me amounts to treason no matter how you look at it. Right now, it is just talk and that is bad enough as it is. But, if they try their shenanigans they need to be arrested themselves and charged with treason. Hillary has been investigated and determined that no charges so brought like it or not. Donald Trump on the other hand is still under investigation. Yet they hid that dirty little secret like nothing.
            Republicans want to start being treasonous fine then first and foremost we need to vote them out of office. And, for those that somehow stay in office and try to be treasonous we need to bring them up on charges and show that this is our country and we will not let anyone hold it hostage. It is one thing to hold a sit in for a couple of days and then get back to work. Or hold a filibuster to get a matter heard on the floor. But, to repeatedly do nothing at all to the point of putting the nation in danger is ridiculous. I am certain that if something truly important had come up during that filibuster it would have been broken to address the matter at hand. But, it was addressing the major issue at hand at the moment as was the sit in.
            The Republicans refuse to address any major issue facing the nation without throwing a major temper tantrum and issuing a list of demands like a bunch of terrorists, which they are just short of being labeled as at this point with how they are talking. I do have some Republican friends but they are not like the ones in Congress or on the pubic stage right now. These bunch of adult 2 year olds are not fit for office even on the local level yet somehow get elected through Gerry meandering and voter suppression whether anyone wants to acknowledge it or not.  And, both sides are guilty of Gerry meandering over the years.  We should let the census itself determine districts in a common senses way, something a lot of people are lacking now a days.
            Enough is enough and the Republican party on all levels has lost any support from me on any level no matter how god the candidate until they do some growing up. I might reconsider with a really good candidate that I agree with after this election, given a few months and maybe some progress made on all levels of government. But, right about now I want to throw every republican politician in a volcano they have made me so mad.
            I’ve ranted enough for one day and I apologize for being so angry on a Sunday, but I couldn’t help it after reading the news. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, share if you will please even if I am rather mad today. As for me I am going to do some religious studies and other reading to try and lower my blood pressure a bit. *Tips his hat and walks through the door taking it with him. *

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