Saturday, November 12, 2016

Saturday Thoughts: My Reaction To Trump’s Transition So Far

            I enjoyed my day of relaxation yesterday, and got a lot done. I plan to get a lot more done today. I just started reading on Physics. So, far the book is pretty good. I’m going to be asking my advisor to put me in touch with one of the Physics Professors in case I have any questions. Also, so I can have someone to talk to about this book. But, also today I am diving back into politics after seeing for three days what Trump has been doing as he is transitioning into the Presidency and laying out policy he plans to go after.
            The first thing I heard about was his plans for gun rights and gun control. I’m not sure it is a perfect plan, but at least he is bringing a plan of some sort to the table with some new ideas. He didn’t bow to what the NRA would have completely liked either. He came up with a moderate plan that tries to address the problem. I’m not sure if it will or not, but I am going to give it a chance. I am just asking that if it doesn’t work he adjust it as needed. That is what we need to keep doing in America adapting and adjusting as things change.
            I have to agree that some things in government have been around too long and just let me stagnant. Like some of the military production that goes on where we stockpile stuff that the military itself says we have too much of. Yet we continue approving more contracts to produce more of it. We constantly subsidize the military industrial complex for our country along with others making us the world’s biggest gun dealer. We should important industries like farmers and teachers and scientists to make improvements in our lives as well as feeding us.
            Now to clarify when I said raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour I also failed to say tie it to inflation as wel as the cost of living so that wages would balance out to where they should be in comparison to management like they used to be compared to how it started it the way it was meant to be according to Eisenhower.  And, that is just so the government is not subsidizing corporations like McDonald’s and Walmart who refuse to pay their workers a living wage even mangers. Yet expect the government to give the workers what they need to  survive as well as give the companies tax breaks. There has to be a balance between regulation so the lowest guy on the totem poll can survive on his work and so that the free market works as it is meant to. A combination of socialism and capitalism if you will. No one system on its own works perfectly.
            I’m a bit skeptical of Trump using corporate lobbyist in his transition team as it appears he is doing to a degree. But, we will see what comes of it. I am playing the waiting came and only going on what he is saying as President-Elect so far. So far he is being fairly moderate from what I have seen. And, I am trying to be patient and feel out his stances completely before condemning him. Yes,, there is the angry rant from when he was first elected still coming next week. But, I doubt many can blame me from what I was seeing on the campaign trail. Some will undoubtedly and that is their right.
            I don’t expect everyone is going to agree with me. And, that is fine since we are a country of opinions but we should all try to find common ground. I have rambled on long enough for one day though. Feel free to leave questions and comments below. And, please do share with your friends and family to keep discussion flowing. As for me I have more reading as well as writing to do as always. *Tips his hat and walks out the door. *

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